Categories: DIYHealth

10 Strange Yet Impressively Practical Uses For Vicks Vapor Rub

What’s that one thing that comes to your mind when we say the remedy for cold, cough, and flu? If you’ve answered as the ever so popular Vicks vapor rub, you’re definitely on point, in terms of guessing.


On the whole, it’s that one particular substance you’ve seen throughout your childhood, teens, and adult life too. Hence, believe it or not, the uses for Vicks vapor rub keep increasing.

Source: No-Unfit

Consequently, we’re counting down some of the strangest yet fascinating uses of Vicks vapor rub. And trust us when we say, they’re sure to leave your mind-boggling for days.


Effective stretch marker remover

If there’s one thing many ladies simply can’t get a cure for, it’s those dreaded stretch marks. Simply, stretch marks occur during pregnancy or when you lose a drastic amount of weight. Hence the end result is sagging skin, that’s accompanied by visible marks. But experts suggest that applying a layer of Vicks to your affected skin can do wonders at removing or lightening.

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Source: xhealthx

Soothing sunburn agent- startling uses for Vicks vapor rub

With summertime nearby, trips to the beaches and pools always are a norm.point 226 |


And that’s when sunburns are also at their peak.point 42 | Therefore, one of the most fascinating uses for Vicks vapor rub is related to its sunburn soothing properties.point 135 | Briefly, rub the agent on the sunburned area and allow it to cool away.point 193 | 1

Source: Ink Beau

Fantastic healer for bruises

Bruises are not only painful, they’re a little unpleasant to look at too. Unbelievingly, Vicks vapor rub has the unique ability to promote quick healing. Simply, apply the agent on your bruise with a pinch of salt, as you watch miracles unfold in front of your eyes.=

Source: iStock

Incredible eye makeup remover

Who needs costly makeup removers when you can use something as common in the household as Vicks vapor rub? Yes, the cold and cough miracle agent works like magic on removing stubborn eye makeup. Simultaneously, don’t be surprised at its wonderful ability to remove lipsticks too.

Source: Living Magazine

Productive fat burner- effective uses for Vicks vapor rub

There’s simply no room for fat and cellulite on a girl’s body. And just when you thought counting those calories wasn’t working, comes one of the most effective uses for Vicks vapor rub. Yes, the technique is applied on arms, legs, even the stomach to aid in fat burning.

Source: Woman’s Vibe

Great at keeping cat scratches away

If you’re tired of cats ruining your sofas and furniture, you’ll surely thank us for this next miracle. Yes, anything that has a dash of Vicks vapor rub is enough to keep cats away for days. It’s that peculiar smell that they can’t stand.

Source: Mother Nature Network

Squeaky door silencer

Squeaky doors are such a nuisance. And if we told you that applying a layer of Vicks makes all the difference, you’d probably hug us for days.

Source: YouTube

Fantastic shower bomb

These next uses for Vicks vapor rub have many of us at a standstill. It’s time to clear up those sinuses, the Vicks way. Hence, all you need are some Vicks shower bomb discs, combined with a nice tub, filled with warm water.

Source: A Mom’s Impression

It’s a miraculous remedy for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be one of the most annoying medical disorders. But what if we told you that’s something as ordinary as Vicks vapor rub makes all the difference in the world.

Source: CRH O’Regan System

Wonderful hair growth promoter- fascinating uses for Vicks vapor rub

When it comes to the fascinating uses for Vicks vapor rub, this one’s sure to be a hit across the board. Yes, Vicks promotes healthy growth, when applied in moderate amounts. Simply, apply the agent to your scalp and wait for results.

Source: mentholatum

It’s safe to say that these weird yet fabulous uses for Vicks vapor are guaranteed to astonish, even the most daring ones of them all. Hence, we’re surely never looking at that cold and flu miracle worker, in the same context again.