Categories: Daily Top 10Life

Mother-In-Law Gives Woman ‘Pregnancy Tests’ As Presents For Christmas

When it comes to the holiday season and Christmas in particular, gifts make it all the more memorable.


However, what do you do when your mother-in-law turns a joyful occasion into a not-so-fabulous affair? Well, in case you’re still wondering about what we’re referring to, the story below is a real-life family tale that made one woman’s Christmas a bittersweet occasion.


Every couple is usually asked about children and their plans regarding family planning. “When are you both having kids?” is probably one of the topmost questions that couples get bombarded with and we wouldn’t be lying if we said that it usually turns into an awkward affair for some.

Source: Kidspot

But one mother-in-law took things to a whole new level recently when she made use of her out-of-the-box thinking skills for holiday-themed gifts. For her daughter-in-law this festive season, she opted to move forward with a Christmas gesture that screams unique from miles away.


Her little girl collection comprised of a teddy bear, a huge calendar that would make tracking her monthly cycles all the more convenient, and a pregnancy test too… Yikes! As you can probably guess by now, she appeared to be following a single theme and that clearly didn’t go down too well with the masses.

Source: Daily Star

Posting the messages on Reddit, the woman hoped that by sharing her story on an online platform, she would receive the attention and answers that she needed. She wasn’t fond of her mother-in-law’s interference in the matter and just didn’t know how to respond to the incident.


“My husband and I just shifted into our new home recently and we specifically mentioned no holiday gifts or any cards too. While the majority of our family and friends respected our wishes, there were some who didn’t,” she added. And that clearly hinted at her nosy mother-in-law.

Source: Daily Star

What would you do if you were in the same situation as the young woman? Would you confront your mother-in-law over the awkward present or remain silent out of respect? Do let us know in the comments section.