The Wolf of Wall Street memes are crashing the internet because of how funny and relatable they are.
When the movie was released, it broke all the previous records of success making skyrocketing money to its producers.
It is still one of the best and most-watched movies not only in the US but all around the world. Hence, people can relate to it and the memes made on the different scenes of the movie.
Considering how much everyone enjoyed the movie, we decided to entertain you with the most relatable Wolf of Wall Street memes and the Leonardo DiCaprio meme as well.
Let us begin the fun, shall we?
When you know you’re gonna win
Quite a lot of time, people will try to knock you down and send you to the deep dark slopes of disappointment. They are either jealous of you or simply don’t believe in you. They assume just because they could not do it, you can’t either.
But to their surprise, you end up laughing at their remarks because you don’t care what they say as you know you will make it. This is your face when such a thing happens!
These hilarious test answers by little kids will make you want to have your own babies
When you still are confident on it
When you get to an ultimate status of success and make a lot of money in an illegal way and someone asks you if it is legal or not. You are confident about how you got this all and don’t hesitate to be honest as well. Your honesty may shock others!
‘I am your king’
This is how we all pretend like when it is our payday because we feel like we are now the kings of the world and nothing can stop us from happiness. It is the funniest yet most relatable Leonardo Dicaprio meme.
The best of Wolf of Wall Street Quotes
This is one of the best and wisest Wolf of Wall Street quotes from the movie and it is pretty serious as well. Unlike our above-shared memes, this has a serious lesson to teach to its viewers.
Only when you break your bubble and get out of your comfort zone, you will find the success. Those who want the best in their lives do not hesitate to accept new challenges and change themselves.
The funniest Wolf of Wall Street memes
Okay so this may sound a little insensitive and harsh to some people but it is just for fun and little humor. I mean if you are rich enough, people will start noticing your children as well.
Reminds you of your boss?
Isn’t this your everyday story? When your boss is doing a round up visit of the whole office and only God knows how you are stopping yourself from saying bad stuff to him.
This is the kind of face we all make knowing you hate the person who owns you, ha! Isn’t this one of the most relatable of Wolf of Wall Street memes?
When life gives you lemons, this is how you look
We know this is supposed to be sad but at the same time, you won’t help yourself but laugh your head off.
This is a story of us all because we all have heard when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But in reality, this is how you look like in just first 10-minutes totally forgetting you had to make lemonade out of it.We hope you enjoyed watching our picks of the Wolf of Wall Street memes and they cheered you up. Making you happy is our mission and we’d like to know how far we are in our mission.
While we are on making other memes, don’t forget to share this blog with your friends and family to enjoy more.