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Elderly Man Whispers, “I Know You Can’t Hear Me, But I Love You” To Wife In Coffin

It’s a heartbreaking story of one elderly man who proves his love to his wife in a coffin.


A lot of people say true love never lasts forever, however, if you’re lucky in life, like this elderly gentleman, you might beg to disagree. For many, failed relationships leave a bad taste when it comes to the notion of love. For this reason, they fail to recognize the true power of loving someone to the core.


With this story, comes a whole new perspective on the concept of love. In other words, it’s absolutely beautiful how meeting the right person can bring about a new aura of the belief that everything will be ok. And it’s this ‘forever’ that many spend a lifetime in search of.

Source: Lessons Learned In Life

True love never dies

A writer was nice enough to pen down his personal thoughts on the subject of love. In the same way, he went through the pain of sharing it with the world. And today, we have a living example that love isn’t lost. It exists in its entirety.


Titled, ‘love what matters,’ he begins how one man whispers the sweetest message to his wife in a coffin. The tale begins with, “today I witnessed a real story of love. It wasn’t the same type that many young people share. Similar to one that screamed passion, coupled with hormones.”


In the same way, he talked about how different yet refreshing it was to see something more than puppy love. It also wasn’t anything like the dewy love that comes alongside newlyweds too.

Source: Small Joys

Finding your happily ever after- easier said than done

Today, most weddings end up in divorces. In the same way, we say promises and divorces going down the drain. At the same time, it’s rare to find the meaning of true love. Rare, but definitely not impossible, as this next example proves.


Coming to the actual story itself, the writer goes on explaining how he saw a very broken man that day. He was an elderly citizen, who had tears in his eyes. It was evident that he lost someone who was very near and dear to his heart. And that’s why he decided to whisper some final heart touching words to his wife in a coffin. But what he actually said just can’t be explained in words.


The writer says that it’s not your typical romantic movie scene. Moreover, it was something that came straight from the heart. Rare, but again, very possible.

Source: The New York Times

Heartbroken husband whispers final words to wife in a coffin

As he entered the room where the coffin lay, he took tiny steps. It seemed as if he was in disbelief. However, he still had some courage and determination left to reach his destination.


At the room’s front, her casket lay. She appeared peaceful as ever. While half of the casket’s lid was open, the other half remained shut. There were flowers everywhere, beautifully wrapped with ribbons. And what really stood out is how there was a clear sign which had “Wife” and “Mother” written on it.

Source: Small Joys

Upon reaching her casket, the man leaned forward. He kissed her lips. You could clearly see him struggling, his frail body struggling to stand straight. Slowly but surely, he said, “I know you can’t hear me. But, I love you.”


That line was enough to make the strongest of hearts break down into tears. While it’s a line that many have heard of in the past a million times, this one occasion was different. It was the last time that he would ever get this opportunity. Slowly, his tears fell.


Above all, the fact that his man came hours early before the ceremony would begin, said a lot. He wanted his own personal time with his wife, as he bid her a final farewell. A bond of 60 years came to an end, but even 6 decades is too less for a pair like them.



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