Categories: Animal/PetsLife

Vampire Deer With Fangs Exist And They’re As Scary As It Gets

Did you know that vampire deer are actually an animal worth a scare?


Yes, they come complete with fangs too and they’re giving creepy creatures a whole new name of amazing. Certainly, many people would refrain from placing an innocent dear at the top of the scary list. However, it so happens to be that we can’t help ourselves too. But in some corners of the world, they’re seen as an absolute menace.


The sheer dread arises from the fact that they contain fangs. And that means instead of the usual large antlers, the mating season begins with the growth of fangs. In the same way, there are more intriguing facts about these beasts. And we’re covering vampire deer in a way that’s sure to give your imagination a spin for the win.

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Source: Daily Press

Vampire deer- a menacing creation indeed

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the term vampire deer? For us, it’s all things Halloween, not to mention the sheer dread that comes with it.point 298 |


In general, deer are thought to be one of the softest and subtle animals on the planet.point 71 | But who knew the addition of fangs could spin things around so gloriously?point 133 | 1

We’re not being gender bias here but it’s the males who sport the fangs, which are actually giant teeth like an elephant’s tusk. In the same way, they’re used as a weapon for fights. This way, a deer can protect itself from a number of other bucks or shall we say, predators. The fact that they stick out from beneath the jawline, it’s a jutting ordeal altogether.

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Source: National Geographic

Goodbye antlers, hello fangs

Arising from the same common deer family, they’re unique creatures altogether.point 224 |


However, rest assured, you won’t find them behaving like others.point 61 | And that has to do with the fact that they aren’t scared.point 113 | It’s like a weapon of mass destruction, okay, we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves here.point 203 |


Anyways, it’s goodbye lurking in the shadows.point 45 | And that’s because you’ve got newfound confidence.point 101 | 1

The addition of fangs in vampire deers allows them to walk with pride. Just like that, it gives them the ability to look for their prey, any time of the day. Please take note, they’re still herbivores. And behave like other members of the deer family.

Source: Pinterest

Where do vampire deer live?

So we’ve nailed the basics and gotten a clear picture of what they look like and why they’re actually referred to as fanged deer. Now it’s time to understand where these unique creatures actually live.


Well, you’re most likely to find them in places like Asia. To be more specific, we’re talking about tufted deer which are pretty common in locations like Southeast China. Similarly, some can be found in India, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar too. If you’re lucky enough to visit the famous Himalayan Mountains, keep a lookout. And that’s because you just might stumble upon them.

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Source: Wikipedia

They’re heartwarming and loving too

While the thought of vampire deer truly makes chills run down any person’s spine, it’s surprising to know that they’re loving animals.point 284 |


Just like other members of the deer family, you don’t need to worry about danger.point 73 | Being relatively small in size, they’re also rare.point 122 | As days go by, we also notice how more and more are turning into endangered species.point 191 | 1

Did you know that plenty of hunters search for them, just to take advantage of their scent glands? Yes, it’s their perfume scent that’s the call of the day. And for many, it’s like classic Asian medicine too. Also, you can spot them on the wild side too.  It was a breakthrough as many assumed they were extinct. The rare sighting took place after a mere 60 years. How cool is that?

Source: Live Science


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