Categories: HealthLife

Urinary Tract Infection – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Urinary tract infection, also known as UTI, is the worst yet most common kind of infection we have.


Around 8.1 million people visit doctors for UTI every day. It happens because of tiny microorganisms, Escherichia coil (E. coli), Chlamydia, and mycoplasma, which cannot be seen with naked eyes as they are microscopic. These microbes, in layman’s language, are called bacteria.


Sometimes, the reason for the urinary tract infection can also be some kind of a virus or fungi. UTI mostly targets the lower tract in the bladder, urethra. However, sometimes it involves the upper tract in kidneys and ureters which is the severe and uncommon kind of it.


Basically, when the defense of the urinary tract overcomes under the attack of microbes, the body loses control and ends up having an infection. We’ve done enough talking on what it is, now let us delve into the causes.

What are the symptoms of urinary tract infection?

You should be able to differentiate your regular cramps from UTI pain and contractions. That is why we are writing down a few major symptoms for you.

  • You will burn while urinating
  • You can have pain in your pelvic or abdomen if you are a women
  • rectal pain in men
  • Bleeding while urinating is also a strong symptom of UTI
  • You will feel the need to urinate without passing much of it
  • You may get fever and chills if the attack is severe.point 228 |

What causes urinary tract infection?

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Source: North Eastern Urology

There could be a plethora of reasons for urinary tract infection but we’ll analyze only the most common here.point 255 | 1


a) Age and Sex Factor

This is a neither sexist remark or to intimidate anyone but age and sex are a strong factor in getting UTI as 50% of women will encounter UTI at least once in their lifetime. 20-30% of whom will complain of reoccurrence. Elder adults are likely easy targets of urinary tract infection. In fact, it could happen repeatedly in elders with weak immune systems.


However, as per the latest researches, young boys and girls are also prone to it. Around 3% girls and 1% boys of 11-years go through UTI. Young women tend to get UTI three times higher than young men.

b) Dehydration

There are days in everyone’s lives when we don’t get the chance to drink as much we should. When it is hot and you are not drinking the average number of glass of water, 6-8,  the bacteria may find it easier to control your tract.


c) Some Diseases that Lead to UTI

Diabetes, suppressed immune system, a urinary catheter, or bowel incontinence may also lead to UTI. You can also have a kidney stone that is creating the problems in your urinary tract.

d) Poor Maintainance of Hygiene

This may sound ridiculous to some but it is true and we got to be more vocal about it. A lot of times, bacteria may enter from outside in your urinary tract. Hence, it is crucial to keep yourself clean and maintain your hygiene.


How to treat urinary tract infection? Preventions and cure

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healthline.point 161 | com

There are a plethora of home remedies for treating urinary tract infections at home without visiting a doctor.point 257 |


Starting from you should start drinking six to eight glasses of water and take cranberry juice.point 80 | Avoid fluids like caffeine alcohol and keep the area clean.point 130 | Wearing cotton underwear and using sanitizing pads over tampons is also a good idea for preventing UTI.point 217 | 1


In an overwhelming majority of cases, the cure varies on the type of infection. Only your doctor can determine what bacteria are troubling you from the inside. For this diagnosis, you will have to visit a good doctor as soon as you start seeing these symptoms. You should rush to get an appointment before it jumps up and does not even allow you to move your body.

Source: VILab India

However, there is nothing to be afraid of as most of the viral UTIs are cured with simple and mild antibiotics. You should always prefer visiting a doctor when you think you are done enough with cures.