Categories: HealthLife

Types Of Headaches And The Easy Treatments At Home

At some point in our life, even the healthiest of us all, feel some type of headaches.


There are many known causes of different types of headaches and stress is one of the major causes of headaches as we all must have experienced that. It’s the most common one anyway. Also, sometimes, if you live in a hot tropical area then you are being exposed to the sun too much. Even going in and out of an air-conditioned room, you might experience different dizziness and a weird headache and this will result in a headache.


Below we will discuss different types of headaches and their causes, and the easy solutions to them. Read them carefully as some may seem similar to you and cure yourself at home. Remember this that you should always seek professional help in case it does not stop.


Stress Headache

Anxiety and stress cause the most common type of headache which is widely known as ‘tension headache’. The pain doesn’t just remain in your head overall, but spreads down to your shoulders and especially the neck.


Causes of Stress Headache

A lot of times you develop a habit of overthinking a problem or overburden yourself with the factors that trigger stress in you.

A solution of Stress Headache

The easiest solution is to take caffeine, aspirin, or ibuprofen.


Migraine Headache

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Another most experienced headaches are migraines.point 178 | They rise from the core of your head to even sometimes hurting your ability to see and think.point 254 |


This often results in a sudden flash of lights in front of you, nausea, blindspots.point 69 | This is why people who routinely suffer from random migraines are very sensitive to light and sounds.point 154 | 1

Causes of Migraine Headache

The reasons for this migraine are different for everyone but some experience this in their late 20’s whereas some start to feel this type of headache in their late 40’s.


The main factors involved in causing migraines are dehydration, lack of sleep and nutrition and certain edibles as well as environmental differences.

Solution to it

Massaging your head in a certain way decrease the pain for the time being. For long term migraine headaches, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a professional.


Sinus Headache


Some people suffer from a severe everyday type of allergies which makes them sneeze from 5 to 10 times in just a few minutes. These allergies result in sinus headaches which are also called allergy headaches. They are often mixed with migraines.


Causes of Sinus Headache

Sleeping in a full coldness even when it’s hot outside can result in sinus headaches. Or even sleeping with a fan with full speed (artificial air) can cause allergies of this kind and give you a long term headache.


The solution to Sinus Headache

You can take OTC (over the counter) decongestants; nasal steroid sprays which can help you reduce your allergy headache.

Among The Worst Types of Headaches: Caffeine Headaches


Drinking too much caffeine in a day and then suddenly skipping it can cause this headache. Your body (especially head) becomes used to taking caffeine frequently which when not taken someday (or a specific time) can cause this headache.



Since caffeine changes brain chemistry, the lack of it can cause this headache.


Keep your caffeine intake moderate. Do not skip suddenly or intake in a big amount that when you’re asked to skip a day, you face this headache. Even though it can be fixed spontaneously by the desired amount of caffeine, but remember! Excessiveness of anything is bad so keep things moderate.


Exertion headaches

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People normally experience this after a big physical or mental activity.point 193 | Such as after a big exam or weight lifting, running, and various other activities where your whole body makes the effort to be involved.point 306 |


Although this doesn’t last long, it can be easily gotten rid of by taking a shower, slowing down your metabolism, or even just taking a break from whatever you’re doing.point 152 | Drinking water, staying hydrated makes these types of headaches disappear quickly and these are quick and easy solutions.point 256 | 1


Causes of Exertion Headache

The exertion of any type, mental or physical, causes this headache so you better watch out on this part as well.

The Solution to it

Keep yourself hydrated and take rest and intervals between your work or whatever activity you’re doing. But if it still doesn’t go away soon enough, you should visit a doctor.


As you have read this article, now we hope you are able to cure yourself at home before it goes unbearable.