Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

This Challenge Is Designed To Play With Your Eyes! Can You Figure It Out?

We’re back with another timeless classic from our viral riddle collection.


Here is a riddle that is truly going to separate the best from the best and we’re excited to see how our dedicated viewers compare to one another. Remember, there’s simply nothing better than walking into a challenge and giving it your best attempt, only to find out that your hard work paid off and you answered correctly. Do you agree?

Source: Real Business

With this particular challenge, we’re asking you to think deeply before answering because sometimes paying attention to fine details is truly what determines your outcome.


As far as statistics for this puzzle are concerned, many people didn’t do too well on their first attempt. And that just goes to show that it’s more than meets the eye. But remember, the harder the challenge, the better practice, and training it gives you to do well in the future.

Source: Axio

Hence, keeping these particular words of wisdom in mind, it’s finally time to solve a riddle that’s playing with so many people’s brains. So scroll down below and let us know what you thought of the challenge and how you compared it to the rest.


The challenge

Source: YouTube

Here is a rather ordinary-looking image. But wait, that’s the trick. You need to look at it carefully so you can identify the hidden clues. Yes, once you’ve managed to crack the code, you’ll definitely be on your way to success. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and perform with absolute magic!


The right solution

Source: Training Solution

Congratulations on reaching it this far! But now it’s time for the verdict. Let’s see how well you’ve done when compared to our answer!


Look at the second picture carefully and notice Shaggy’s missing eyebrow and his shoe. Also, don’t forget to glance over Scooby’s missing fur print!

Well, that was definitely tricky.  For those who managed to solve it on their first attempt, you definitely get a pat on that back. And for those who didn’t, you definitely deserve a round of applause for trying.


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