Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Solve This Simple Math Puzzle That’s Designed To Jump Start Your Brain?

The great thing about logic puzzles is that they come in all shapes and sizes.


Some are extremely difficult while others tend to be tricky and hence carry a deceptive illusion that they’re mind-blowingly hard. But if you take a closer look and start to think outside the box, you soon realize that they’re not so hard after all.


In case you’re wondering what we’re talking about, well, this next puzzle is designed to make viewers’ brains get a jump start on slow days.

Source: Easton Hotel Supplies

Your ultimate goal over here is to figure out the answer to a simple question and it deals with weight. What is the weight of the animals shown in the picture! Please take your time because it’s tricky, to say the least.


Also, we’ve added the solution for you towards the end. But that don’t forget to try your best before taking a peek.

The Puzzle:

In the challenge below, there are three different images. They’re so similar yet so different. Now, it’s your turn to put those brain cells to the test and see what is the answer to the question that points towards the last image.


It’s a system of equations and once you’ve cracked the code, you’ll be well on your way to solving success. Good luck!

Source: YouTube

And the answer is:

It’s basically a long sequence of equations that you need to solve one by one. But with a little patience and some good problem-solving skills, you can do it for sure.

  1. One Rabbit + One Cat + Zero Dogs = 10kg → 3kg + 7kg = 10kg
  2. One Rabbit + Zero Cats + One Dog = 20kg → 3kg + 17kg = 20kg
  3. Zero Rabbits + One Cat +One Dog = 24kg → 7kg + 17kg = 24kg
  4. One Rabbit +One Cat + One Dog = ?kg → 3kg + 7kg + 17kg = 27kg

So, how did you do? Let us know in the comments section and don’t forget to share with others too because sharing is caring.



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