Categories: Quiz

Riddle For You: If You Say My Name I No Longer Exist, What Am I?

Do you think you have what it takes to solve this riddle?


If you are in the mood for a break and give your brain a mental exercise, well, you are in luck as we have a tricky riddle for you to solve today!

The brainteaser, which first appeared on the Brain Zilla website, simply states: If you say my name, I no longer exist, what am I?


You are starting to think now, aren’t you?

While you’re trying to think of the answer to the infuriating question, let us explain the benefits of solving riddles.

While many people believe that solving riddles are just a way to pass the time time, it has been proven that engaging in puzzles –like the one we have for you below– greatly helps in improving one’s memory.


Riddles also help in preventing dementia and boost your mood.

Now that you understand the benefits of solving riddles, why not try to solve this one?

Are you ready? Let’s go!

Riddle courtesy of Brainzilla












Did you figure out the answer? Don’t worry if you haven’t, here’s a little hint for you that might help: it’s not a tangible thing!

Remember to calm down, focus your mind, and exhaust all your options.

What could it possibly be?

Riddle courtesy of Brainzilla











Did you figure it out? If you do, great!

You did an amazing job! Not all puzzle players can get the correct answer without peeking at the answer first!


It’s time to double-check your answer, scroll down for the big reveal!











The Answer

It’s silence!

Riddle courtesy of Brainzilla

So, how did you? Are you able to get the correct answer? Let us know in the comments!


If you enjoyed the riddle featured in this article, please don’t forget to share this with your family and friends!


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