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Richard Lee McNair-The Murderer Who Escaped Prison Thrice By ‘Mailing Himself’

Say hello to Richard Lee McNair- the murderer that escaped jail three times!


The state of Oklahoma is very aware of one convicted murderer that managed to escape prison a record-breaking 3 times. Yes, as daunting as it sounds, his story is strangely fascinating. Moreover, it’s no wonder why it continues to trend around the globe for obvious reasons.


But how exactly can a murderer escape his sentence? Well in case you didn’t know, this man worked his magic when it came to mailing himself out. And to help shed more light on the case, here are some exclusive updates worth a glance. So let’s take a look.

Source: Wikipedia

Richard Lee McNair- crimes galore

As a convicted murderer, Richard Lee McNair is famous for receiving a series of sentences. And no, one wasn’t enough for his list of crimes.


Yes, the man from Oklahoma managed to get away from prison for a record-breaking three times. If we told you that his tactics revolved around mailing himself out, would you believe us?

Clearly, it’s not something that too many of us hear on a usual basis. But this man gets full props for thinking outside the box. See, Richard got two life sentences for his murder crimes. But above all, he was also held on a 30-year long sentence for burglary. Thankfully, it was a botched attempt from his side so no damage done to the victims. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t pay the consequences for his actions.

Source: Know More Stuff

One gruesome night that changed it all

It was a cold and gloomy night, but one that Richard Lee McNair remembers with all of his mind, body, and soul. While sleeping, he awoke thanks to the disturbances by two strange men. One of them was a truck driver who cops identified as Jerome Theis.


Richard McNair shot Theis, who soon died from his fatal injuries. On the other hand, the other man survived despite his massive bullet wounds. McNair tried his best to achieve fame for his notorious behavior. After all, three successful escape attempts is a big deal.


But in the end, they did the exact opposite. Officers put him in the highest level of the prison, commonly termed as ‘supermax’ prison. But how and when did his escapes take place is a question on many people’s minds.

Source: Now I Know

The escapes- one by one

The first escape came right after his initial arrest. This took place in February 1988. However, it wasn’t as complicated as the two others that he embarked upon.


Sitting silently, handcuffed in his chair, McNair always had his mind on alert status. His new home was Minot’s police station, located in a room. With three detectives always hovering upon him, he tried his best not to let that bother him. The man was always on a mission and this was clearly no exception.


Smartly as ever, he took a tube of lip balm and used it as grease for his hands. Slippery as ever. he soon allowed his handcuffs to fall off like magic. What a genius hack, if we must say so ourselves. By the way, he only did this when cops weren’t watching his very next move.

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Source: Twitter

Hack leads to massive escape

Walking out of jail was easier said than done.point 176 | But Richard Lee McNair managed.point 203 |


However, police ensured to chase and find his whereabouts around town.point 60 | From the highest buildings to the greatest flight of stairs- it was a wild chase.point 127 | Moreover, the daring criminal even leaped and injured his back, just to save himself.point 199 | 1

Clearly, ‘keenly intelligent’ isn’t a misnomer when it comes to his case. On another day, McNair leaped out with fellow inmates via a ventilation duct. This was a more successful attempt and he wasn’t recaptured until days later.

Source: Amazon

As far as his third and final escape is concerned, he literally hid beneath a mega pile of mail. And as bizarre as it sounds, it worked. He was safely out and about, with the mail. But again, cops caught him and after seeing him make a run for it in the tracks. Nevertheless, full points for efforts. Don’t you agree?



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