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Warning: Merely Looking At Peggy The Doll Endangers People’s Lives

You may have watched many scary movies by now in which a haunted doll who some ghost has possessed hurt people.


But only looking at this Peggy the doll can endanger your life.

Nobody still knows why every horror story in real life or fiction has dolls in it. Are they really evil creatures or is it easy to possess them? Remember Chucky, the doll? Even the face of this doll is wicked enough to send chills through your spine. Hollywood has made countless movies on evil dolls and how they destroy families.


Peggy The Doll: A True Evil Toy


So far the most fearful nightmare in real life of us all is having such dolls around in our homes. Thank God, such things are not true in reality but even a mere idea is frightening. But can you believe Peggy the doll is as real as anything in this life?


Looking at this innocent face with blue eyes and blond hair won’t let you imagine even for a second how harmful she can get. But the reality is not always evident in front of us, sometimes it is residing behind an apparently harmless thing.


The real owner of Peggy the doll started having chronic sickness and they believed it is because of the doll.  According to her psychic, no matter where she hides the doll, she starts having body shakes and gets hot.


So she gave it away to the psychic but Peggy the doll ghost adventures became pretty famous on the internet. Peggy’s video started circulating over social media with people claiming that merely looking at her sickens you.

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Peggy The Doll Ghost Adventures


Since the first owner gave it away to Jayne Harris, a British paranormal expert, he checked and investigated the allegations. According to him, over 80 people have a complaint of having nausea, headaches, and chest pains after only looking at Peggy – The doll’s pictures.


Jayne Harris is part of an organization ‘Haunted Dolls’ that does its research on the spirits that have possessed the dolls. The organization is a specialist in its nature and figures out the cringy reality behind the weird dolls.


How Did People Start Facing This Strange Phenomenon?


Since the organization posts the pictures of objects they are currently working on, people see and comment their reactions. With the case of Peggy the doll, a lot of users started reporting weird phenomenon like sudden temprature changes in the room and ilness.


Peggy video is also quite popular on their page in which you can see the staff with the doll. The peggy video makes sure it haunts its viewer’s life if the pictures failed.

Who Has Possessed Peggy?


Harris and her team have cracked the code saying a woman born in 1946 in London has possessed the doll. While others say that a Jewish Holocaust victim is the main reason behind it.


The other 4 psychics have studied the doll say that the spirit is frustrated and restless because of the Holocaust. She also hated the clowns and perhaps this is the reason she is into a doll. As dolls are the only creepier versions of clowns.

What Is The Reaction of This Paranormal Expert?


Jaye Harris has been receiving offers from a lot of psychics to expel the ghost from the doll. But she says she will not do it and continue to study the doll for her research.


People who have posted their reactions online say their computer screens froze whenever the saw Peggy the doll pictures and Peggy video. However, the owner says if she takes the doll to a quiet place and asks her to stop tormenting peoples’ lives, she stops.


After all, with this trick, Peggy the doll ghost adventures can stop too.

How did you like the story? Did it haunt you as well? We are sorry we did not inform you of the spoilers you can have in real life!