Categories: Life

‘I Make $300,000 A Month By Being A Girlfriend To 7,000 Men’

A woman with seven thousand boyfriends has spoken out about her business idea and revealed that she makes a fortune by being an online girlfriend.


25-year-old Nala Ray from California is a social media influencer and a professional ‘online girlfriend’ who makes $300,000 a month by being a girlfriend to 7,000 men.

©Jam Press – @fitness_nala

As the young woman explained, all of her relationships are strictly virtual and non-physical as she refuses to date in real life. Instead, she makes sure to greet all of her boyfriends via text messages, send them pictures of herself, and have a conversation with them whenever they’re up for a chat.


“Every single morning I send my boyfriends something cheerful and then some of them will answer and we talk a little bit. We have conversations about their lives, what their day looks like, how they slept – it’s like a full-on relationship,” Nala insists.

©Jam Press – @fitness_nala

“I’m really proud of these connections, I am their online girlfriend.”

The 25-year-old also explained that she chose to pursue online relationships after getting tired of being with “possessive” partners who tried to control every aspect of her life.

©Jam Press – @fitness_nala

“I have two choices. I either have an extremely regular guy as my one boyfriend, who can’t handle the fact I get noticed in public or that I make a lot of money – or I date a guy online. I choose the latter,” she added.


“If I get a boyfriend [in real life] and start sharing my attention with them, it will take away from this and it’s really important that I build these relationships with these guys. They know I’m there for them if they need me and that makes me really happy.”

©Jam Press – @fitness_nala

As Nala suggested, the main reason for her past dating failures were jealous partners who couldn’t accept that she was earning more than them and that she was the center of attention whenever she was in public.


“In their mind, it tells them that this person has seen their girlfriend naked and they feel it’s unfair,” she said.

“I have dated men who do OnlyFans too, but they get jealous that I am better at it and make 10 times more money than they do. They’re intimidated by the fact that I’m the breadwinner.”

©Jam Press – @fitness_nala

Fortunately, Nala now seems happy with her ‘love life’ which helps her reel in hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.


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