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Man Drinks His Own Urine Every MORNING And His ‘Smelly’ Habit Led To A Heated Argument With His Housemate

A man from Colorado who has been drinking his own urine every morning believes that his practice is the natural cure – but not everyone is convinced.


68-year-old Sage drinks his own urine for almost 20 years and there is nothing that can stop him now, even though his housemate is clearly disgusted by his habit.

Sage is also offering a course for $300 for those who wish to unlock the powerful secrets of their urine.

Kennedy News and Media

“I do get the naysayers or the ones who are doubters but I’ve learned to be compassionate with people because they don’t know what this is yet,” Sage said.


“They’re going based on theory and information from doctors, television and school.”

The 68-year-old explained that he drinks his pee first thing in the morning.

“Most people will drink it first thing in the morning and people who are fasting or on detox will do ‘looping’ which means everything they collect will be drank throughout the day.


“The cleaner you can get your diet, the better it’ll look, taste and smell.”

Kennedy News and Media

Sage also said that it is important to inform your roommates or housemates so they won’t be shocked when they see you practicing ‘urotherapy.’


“That created a hiccup in the house I’m in and I’m just readjusting where I do my practice now and starting to look for a new location. The bedroom and my bathroom are too close to the kitchen so smells go down the hallway,” he went on.


Sage has published his teaches in five books, claiming his ‘urotherapy’ has ‘healed’ Alzheimer’s, MS, and cancer but there is little scientific evidence to back up his claims.


“They’re healing everything from mosquito bites, sunburns, wasp stings, to gum conditions, viruses, diabetes, MS, cancer and Alzheimer’s,” Sage expressed.


“We’ve got a woman working with a 21-year-old man with autism who is seeing results.”

He also described wee as a universal panacea remedy. “You can use a man’s, a woman’s and cross it over. A dog’s, a child’s, a human, non-human – it works regardless.”

Kennedy News and Media

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