Categories: Animal/PetsLife

Oldest Goldfish Named George Dies At The Incredible Age Of ’44’

The United Kingdom’s oldest goldfish, George, passed away at the astonishing age of 44.


While his sudden demise left his owner devastated and in tears, you can’t ignore the fact that the fish went above and beyond many people’s expectations. After all, most species have an average lifespan of 5 to 10 years. However, George clearly surpassed all of those expectations. And that’s when he passed away peacefully at 44.


A happy go lucky creature, little George spread cheer and positivity all around. Meanwhile, plenty of credit goes to his hardworking and dedicated owner. He made sure little George received all the care, love, and protection in the world.


Here are more details on the UK’s oldest goldfish who led a beautiful life worth reminiscing.

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Source: Oldest.point 198 | org

Oldest goldfish dies

George’s claim to fame isn’t a series of incredible superpowers.point 286 |


Moreover, it’s all about living a content life of 44 years.point 55 | In the same way, George’s owner explains how he left him devastated beyond words could possibly explain.point 149 | As it is, pets manage to steal their owner’s hearts in more ways than one.point 215 |


Therefore, little George was certainly no exception.point 46 | 1

Passing away peacefully on April 10th, he leaves back the most beautiful memories. Just ask 75-year-old Keith and his wife, 62-year-old Mary Allies. The couple from Worcester in the UK are heartbroken. But where did the couple find George and how did he create such a loving place in so many people’s hearts.

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Source: Pure Goldfish

It all began at a funfair

Keith explains how he found the oldest goldfish, who he named George, at a local funfair in 1974.point 219 |


However, he didn’t make a sole purchase.point 40 | In addition to George, he also found another fish who he named Fred.point 96 | As loving as ever, George thought it would be a nice idea to gift the pair to the love of his life at that time.point 184 | What a thoughtful gesture indeed!point 213 | 1


On average, Keith goes on explaining how they usually have an average lifespan of around 5 to 10 years. Therefore, it was evident that both George as well as Fred exceeded people’s expectations in that regard.

Source: Metro

They not only lived long lives, they also outlived the couple’s family dogs. How’s that for some interesting piece of news. In most cases, it’s usually the opposite, but again, there are always exceptions to the norm.


The last goodbye- the hardest of them all

Fred passed away, two years before George. He was 42 years old. Now, George will accompany him, two years later, passing away at 44. Meanwhile, his owner explained how he decided to bury him right next to Fred. This way, both pals will be together in the old couple’s backyard.


In the past month, George struggled to swim. And that signaled an alarming danger for his owners. They knew there was something wrong and they feared the worst for him. While Mary is devastated at the news of George’s death, she is living with the comfort of one thought. And that revolves around how George lived the most beautiful, long, and happy life.

Source: Pure Goldfish

A life worth cherishing

As a loving pet, George brought so much content to his owner’s life. Therefore, it wouldn’t be wrong to explain how he was an integral part of the family. Ever since his pal Fred died, things just weren’t the same. It seemed as if it was a loss that he refused to cope up with.


In the same way, the couple sheds light on the secret to his long life. And they give full credit to regular exercise, regular changes of water, and a diet full of flakes. Yes, that’s all it took to make him live for 44 long years.

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Source: Oldest.point 306 |


For the couple, their fish were like tiny celebrities.point 49 | Moreover, people would often come and visit.point 87 | You’d often hear them saying things like, ‘You’ve got the oldest species in the UK, and possibly the world!’ For that reason, George turned into their shining moment of pride.point 257 |


And undoubtedly, he will be terribly missed.point 38 | 1


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