Categories: Life

JUST IN: TikTok Star Waffler69 Dies Suddenly At The Age Of 33

TikTok sensation known as Waffler69 has passed away suddenly at the age of 33.


Also known by his real name Taylor, the young man was best known for amassing a huge following on social media where he shared quirky videos showing him wolfing bizarre foods.


Though he was widely recognized for eating a variety of nostalgic, and sometimes downright wild, foods, Taylor will by his fans be remembered as a fun and cheerful entertainer.


“I always loved watching you. You spread so much happiness and much laughter to all,” one fan shared after the news of his passing.


Meanwhile, Taylor’s brother, Clayton, revealed that the 33-year-old possibly died of a heart attack on Wednesday night.


“This is still pretty new, I don’t know what’s gonna be happening in the near future. But I thought I should get on TikTok and let everybody know. Please keep his legacy alive,” Clayton expressed.


“Watch his content that he does have out. Keep him alive. He loved making people happy.”


Clayton has since also launched a GoFundMe page to raise enough funds to cover his brother’s funeral expenses.


“Im not sure what im doing. My mother has paid the creamation which was 1500. Im not really sure how much i should be asking for let alone SHOULD be asking anyone of anything,” Clayton wrote on the page.


“If he has touched your heart in some way, Me and my family would appreciate it.”

In an update, the grieving brother added: “I wanted to have some clarity. This Gofundme is mainly to help compensate my mother who had to pay for my brother’s cremation. As well as the medical expenses.


“Anything extra im gonna give to my mom and try to help the grieving process as much as possible.”

Our thoughts are with Taylor’s family during this challenging time.



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