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“To Prevent Tragedies Like Young Arthur Hughes & Star Hobson’s Death, Social Workers Must Play Active Roles”

While some fairytales with stepmothers involved may have happy endings, the real-life scenario can be far from just that.


The shocking incident involving Arthur Hughes and Star Hobson’s death has caused so much anger, grief, and heartbreak around the globe but it now appears that so much could have been done to prevent such tragedies from taking place.


Many are now opening up their eyes to the incident that has left thousands in shock and disbelief. But at the same time, it’s a huge lesson for those that can’t seem to get over the fact that there’s so much to be learned.

Source: Daily Mail

While some may still blame social workers, others are shedding light on how more emphasis should be given to ‘the devastating danger involving modern broken families’ too.


In both these situations, an evil stepmother managed to come out on top and take away two precious and innocent lives.

Source: PA

The murder of six-year-old Arthur was a bitter pill for so many to swallow as his own father and stepmother beat the child to death, after isolating and feeding him salt-laced meals.


But as many tried to overcome the devastation that it left, another heartbreaking and unbelievable sad incident occurred involving young Star Hobson. A defenseless child who was crushed to death by her mother’s girlfriend for no good reason.

Source: SWNS

Despite public inquiries being launched to investigate what went wrong and who was accountable for the tragedy, many are asking social workers to understand how important of a role they play in today’s time. And that includes investing their time and effort on the danger of modern broken families with step-parents involved.

Source: Facebook

With other similar cases displaying the same old failings by authorities as a whole, some are still hopeful that change for the better will soon come but when is still questionable.


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