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Drunk Man Who Violently MOWED Down Four Children With His Vehicle Appeals To Reduce His Jail Sentence

One of Australia’s most notorious drivers who is known to have mowed four beautiful children using his vehicle is now appealing to have his jail sentence reduced.


The suspect has been identified as Samuel William Davidson who claims to be suffering from ADHD and now he’s using that as a sad excuse for his crime that took away the lives of four young and precious children.

Source: Daily Mail

Abdullah’s family is said to have lost two of their girls, one son, and one cousin- all in one horrifying and tragic accident. Moreover, it is believed that the four beautiful souls were on their way to enjoy some ice cream but little did they know about the horror on the way.


All the victims were believed to have been under the age of 14. And now, the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal is where he’s asking the judge for a reduction as 28 years is manifestly too long of a period for his crime, given his supposed condition.

Source: Facebook

“He was way over the speed limit, under the influence of drugs and alcohol”- the authorities revealed.


They also spoke about how he had taken a cocktail of drugs, combined with alcohol and MDMA when his vehicle mowed down all of the kids walking on the road in Oatlands, Sydney.

Source: Daily Mail

Davidson was believed to be driving a truck that day and due to his fuzzy state of mind, he claims he didn’t see the children.


Now, his sentencing will be done on November 20 and today he appeared for his first hearing with his lawyer, which didn’t last long.

Source: Facebook

The suspect’s parents are now speaking out about their son’s horrifying mistake. They do admit that whatever he did was wrong, but he was a good child.


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