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“I’m TORN Between My Loving Girlfriend & My Ex Who Is AMAZING In Bed! Who Do I Choose?”

Relationships are a tricky endeavor because sometimes you’re forced to make some very serious decisions in this world.


One man says he was torn between his girlfriend whom he adores to pieces and his ex-lover who is amazing in bed.

Source: Daily Mail

The anonymous sender says he obviously can’t reveal his identity online but he is very keen on getting a response from famous author and many people’s problem solver, Jane Greene.


For him, pleasure does matter but he shares an amazing companionship with his current partner. There are days when he misses his ex to such an extent that he finds it hard to cope without her feeling of being so great in bed.

Source: Jen Goldberg Photography

The man explained how he has a relationship with his girlfriend that is on again and off again. The duo shares a great bond and one that he simply adores. But it’s just hard for him to forget his ex and those steamy nights of passion.


While his partner right now is gorgeous and he is definitely attracted to her but according to him, old habits die hard and that seems to be happening right now.

Source: Better Help

Another major issue that this man seems to be having is how his woman fails to take criticism or feedback. If he tells her about something that he wants from her then she takes the feedback on board like criticism.


And he really is struggling in this regard. This is what has forced him to contemplate the decision of having her in his life.

Source: Encyclopedia Britannica

Now, he feels that it’s time to tell his partner that he wants something more out of their physical relationship because this is not cutting it for him at this moment in time, as far as his bedroom needs are concerned and that’s why he wants help.


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