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“My MIL Demands To Be In The Delivery Room When I Give Birth To See Baby’s First Breath”

A pregnant woman is asking for help on Reddit after sharing her story about her stubborn mum-in-law who demands to be in the delivery room with her.


The woman asked Reddit users for some much-needed advice. Morover, she even went on to add how her husband also went behind her back, telling his mum that it would be alright for her to come to the delivery room during the baby’s birth.

While giving birth is usually termed an incredible and life-changing experience, this mother says that it also comes with a lot of pain and vulnerability. Therefore, many people like her don’t necessarily want their nearest and dearest nearby as witnesses during the time.

Source: The Mirror

The mother-in-law claims that it’s important for her to be there so she can witness her grandchild’s moments of taking the first breath. And while it might seem a little bizarre to many, this mother-in-law is very keen on sticking to her wishes.


But what do you do when you’re the mum to be and simply don’t feel too comfortable with the idea?

While the pregnant woman says that she made it clear to her mother-in-law on separate occasions that this isn’t something she looks forward to, her husband went behind her back and undermined the entire conversation with his mum.point 288 |


And now, she’s left in an awfully awkward position.point 49 | In addition, the hospital has a policy that allows two family members inside the delivery room.point 129 | Therefore, things aren’t exactly going according to the woman’s wishes.point 203 | 1

Source: The Mirror

Reading the story on the Reddit Forum, viewers were quick to come to the pregnant 28-year-old woman’s rescue. Moreover, they gave out their opinions on how they felt she should tackle the situation.


One viewer spoke about how her husband behaved like a moron by going behind her back to make his mother-in-law happy. Moreover, she went on to claim that the woman should inform hospital staff to strictly not allow the old lady in the room.

Another commented on how the entire situation was absolutely insane, asking her to calm down and hold her ground. And the third post was regarding how mothers-in-law need to relax and stop getting so excited about seeing the birth of their grandchildren.

Source: The Mirror

What advice would you give this pregnant mother? Let us know in the comments section and don’t forget to share the story with others.