Categories: Animal/PetsLife

Kenny The Tiger | A Heartbreaking Tale On Why White Tigers Shouldn’t Be Bred

Kenny the tiger has one of the world’s most moving life stories and the warning message it gives off is clear.


In the same way, one look at Kenny the tiger also makes you realize how many misconceptions surround the white tiger species. From calling them wild and endangered to promoting their breeding, it’s a hazard that keeps sweeping up disasters.


Animal experts dig through this species’ real-life ordeals and come across one conclusion. And that is how White tigers should never be bred. In the same way, they’re giving you evidence about what dangers breeding brings forward in the animal kingdom.


This piece of news might seem irrelevant right now but scientists and researchers can’t emphasize the great destruction it may bring.

Hence, we thought to play our role and bring about awareness for all animal enthusiasts. So please read, share, and understand before it’s too late.

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Source: The Sun

Meet Kenny the tiger

In the year 2000, Kenny made headlines after his breakthrough rescue.point 189 | He was only two when news spread about the great means of torture he went through.point 256 |


Some speculated a lot about how his current appearance related to his abuse.point 64 | While it’s true how they rescued him from filth, there’s more to the story than just that.point 150 | 1

Kenny carries a very unique aura but that doesn’t go in line with the rumored tales. But what exactly did those rumors comprise of?


Well, his breeder accused the tiger of slamming his face into walls, causing his obvious deformities. But when researchers dug deep into the real-life facts, they found something else that was more concerning.

Source: Snopes.com

Obvious deformities in the spotlight

One look is all it takes to realize that Kenny isn’t your average look tiger. Yes, he does belong to the white tiger species. However, there is more than meets the eye.


Thanks to his breeder in Arkansas, who found it ok to breed two white tigers together, the end result spelled disaster.

Kenny the tiger wasn’t the prettiest of them all, and for that reason, his breeder says no one bought him. On that note, the breeder decided to contact Turpentine Creed Wildlife Refuge, just so he could get rid of him.


It was the years of inbreeding between different generations that gave Kenny his bizarre look. He had a poor dental condition with teeth growing from all angles of his mouth. Also, he had a broad face and a short nose too. On many occasions, people wouldn’t even recognize him as a tiger.

Source: The Dodo

Raising awareness of an important cause

On the other hand, Kenny’s brother was an orange tiger. He was born with cross-eyes. Clearly, breeding between white tigers resulted in all these dangerous characteristics.


Today, you’ll continually find zookeepers, breeders, and entertainers calling white tigers as endangered species. In addition, they might call out for help in terms of their conservation. But wait, don’t fall into that trap that has zero truth whatsoever.


Experts claim that white tigers aren’t actually a species. In fact, they’re not even endangered too, neither are they in the wild. As days go by, the number of misconceptions that surround them is plenty too.

Science proves how there was never a white tiger spotted in the wild, since the early 1950s. And that too comprised of a light cub sighting, alongside a family of orange tigers. Unfortunately, the hunter that saw him, stole him away, after getting fascinated by his hue.

Source: Twitter

The truth that no one really talks about

Today, the white tiger that we see is actually years of inbreeding, that arose originally from that tiny white tiger. It is the result of breeding countless generations together. And in the end, you get the double recessive gene. Therefore, that is what really gives them their white coat.


Wow, after reading this, it looks like there are a plethora of myths that surround these creatures. Whatever the case may be, we can’t undo the damage done. However, we can all play an active role and stop the destruction from moving further.

Source: PBH2

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