Categories: HealthLife

8 Images That Unveil Intense Perspective Of Artists With Schizophrenia

Mental disorders are a serious condition.


And believe it or not, they can be deceptive by all means. Similarly, they occur silently and you simply might not even be aware of its existence. Some conditions render significance of their own. And these glorifying artists with schizophrenia are in a league of their own.

Yes, this condition is very intense and often unforgiving at times. But what are the symptoms?


Well, they can range from abnormalities in social behaviors to hallucinations. At the same time, they render patients away from reality. In some conditions, there’s depression and plenty of anxiety too.

Whatever the case may be, they are definitely hard to deal with. And there’s simply no better way of self-expression than the art itself. Hence, here are 8 intriguing images that redefine the struggle.


Hearing things has a whole new name

Source: ViralNova

Imagine telling others about things that are far from reality? And it’s truly safe to say that there could be nothing worse than people not believing. Here, the artist magnificently captures it all. And you have to give them credit for the picture-perfect detailing too!


It’s always a slow descent

Source: ViralNova

Artists with schizophrenia are describing the fascinating descent that comes with the condition. Here, you’ll find a series of art clips that show how severe things become. Moreover, it’s a little scary to see how quickly things go from bad to worse.


A shadowy affair- artists with schizophrenia

Source: ViralNova

Who knew the condition could shadow all across you? The way this painter explains the different scenes is just mind-blowing. And we have to say, it’s quite frightening too.


The paranoia is real

Source: Tumblr

Visual hallucinations are probably the most daunting affair of them all. You’ll find that some artists mimick the exact symptoms so seamlessly. And it’s safe to say, this just happens to be the perfect example.


Therefore, with paranoia at large, the figure shown is just the type of eerie feeling we’re referring to.

An illusion that’s far from reality

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Source: Pinterest

Have you ever come across the terms ‘far fetched reality.point 288 |


’ If you answered yes, then you’ve certainly got a lot of discovering and soul searching within you.point 87 | Yes, in life we come across thoughts that are simply too good or too evil to be true.point 155 | Unfortunately, it’s a different set of events for those suffering.point 214 | 1


Intricate details spell marvelous talent

Source: ViralNova

Who knew artists with schizophrenia could be so talented. Here, it’s all about letting art do all of the talking. And to be really honest, this artist from the 1900s is surely on the right track. As far as the actual piece is concerned, we’re truly spellbound. What about you?


The absolute nightmare of compelling thoughts- artists with schizophrenia

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Source: Tumblr

With so much going on in one’s mind, you don’t know what to believe and what not to.point 249 |


Therefore, nightmares soon get tagged as realities.point 45 | Meanwhile, who knew how compelling the truth is? Well, as far as we’re concerned, this picture is doing justice to it, by all means.point 156 | 1

Electricity is what gives you power

Source: ViralNova

One woman perfectly described the entire episode for mental disorders. it’s almost as if electricity is giving you that ultimate power of greatness. Hence, you’re floating on clouds, in a realm of the unknown. And how you take it, totally depends on you.


However, in this fascinating work of art, it’s truly another level altogether. And in the end, we can say that there’s so much going on that we know very little about.


For more fascinating reads, don’t forget to check out our article Black Colored Eyes And More: What Your Iris Color Says About You.