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Husband Catches Cheating Wife By Spotting Her Via Google Maps

They say technology is one of the biggest blessings available to most of us today.


However, many couples are finding it hard to disguise their unfaithful behavior. Moreover, this tale of how technology benefits mankind is no exception. And it’s going viral. Yes, a husband catches his cheating wife via Google Maps.

It’s safe to say, she wasn’t happy about the entire ordeal. But with Google Maps in full swing, secret affairs like these aren’t so secretive anymore.


Yes, it’s time to bid farewell to disloyal partners. And with revolutionizing technology by your side, there’s nothing better. Today, couples are finding it even more difficult to hide their next moves. Whether they’re out for an hour or an entire morning, they simply can’t outsmart gadgets galore.


So let’s deep down into one similar couple’s tragic story of husband catches cheating wife. And trust us when we say, it’s quite interesting so to speak.

Source: Unilad

Romantic flings get a new wakeup call

Gone are the days when you could leave the house without anyone noticing. And while one cheating wife did the unthinkable, she wasn’t too smart to outplay her phone’s applications.


Google Maps are like street vans, keeping an eye on the world. One woman decided to trick her husband and meet her unlawful partner. However, technology had an even bigger surprise in store for her.

The wife, who resides in Lima, Peru, attempted to cheat on her husband. Moreover, she forgot about the ever so famous and reliable Google Map feature- Street View Van. And that’s exactly how she got busted by her husband who found her exact whereabouts.

Source: Unilad

Husband catches cheating wife in public via Google Maps

In one of the most hilarious yet tragic cheating episodes ever, Google Maps assisted one husband to the maximum. It allowed him to trace his wife’s whereabouts with absolute ease.


Meanwhile, the woman set out one morning, pretending like she was on her way for some very important work. But that caused her husband to become suspicious. And he immediately took assistance from Google Map to trace her exact location via Street Van view.

Source: YouTube

Therefore, the unthinkable took place. It showed the cheating wife, resting her head on some unknown male stranger’s lap. While her face was obscured in the video, you can’t help but notice her features and whatnot. Hence, the husband immediately recognized his wife.


According to news reports, the husband immediately recognized his wife from far. He claims that her clothing in the video made things easier for him. In particular, he says that her white shirt and blacktop were the most discerning features. Let’s not forget those high heeled boots and jeans too. Coincidences can’t get any closer than that.

Source: Google Codelabs

Husband confronts cheating wife in front of a mysterious man

The husband says that he mustered the guts to confront his cheating wife. He just couldn’t stay too silent for long and it was bound to come. Hence, he showed up in public, while she sat down with some unknown stranger.


Surprisingly, his cheating wife admitted to her crime openly. She agreed to the fact that she was unfaithful to him. Unfortunately, the end result of such actions wasn’t too great.

Both partners decided to end their relationship. Moreover, they immediately signed divorced papers. When you come to think of it, if Google Maps didn’t exist, the relationship would be under wraps for years. And who knows what the end consequences would be.


All in all, thanks to technology, people are getting the fruit for their actions. And if that means an increase in relationship ruins, then so be it! And just in case you beg to differ, this husband catches cheating wife tale is here.


For more trending relationship stories from around the globe, don’t forget to take a look at Evil Stepmother Arrested For Beating, Starving Stepdaughter Before Burning Body In Trashbin.