Categories: DIYLife

How To Check If There Is A Hidden Camera In The Dressing Room

We all love shopping and believe that the greatest achievement of mankind is a dressing/ fitting room in stores.


But at the same time, it’s a curse because you never can trust public places to try on some clothes. We are never sure of the hidden camera in the dressing room for us women.

Some people fear to go to the public restrooms which are called Paruresis. There’s this other type of fear, fear of changing rooms, which is very common. There have been many times where the news went viral of hidden cameras in the dressing room. Now as scary, cringe, weird as it sounds, there are actually ways to help you overcome this fear and to spot a hidden camera in the dressing/ fitting room.

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Crgworldwide.point 113 | com

A very important thing to remember during checking for a hidden camera in the dressing room is that it’s not 100% necessary that it is there.point 238 |


There are some laws by different countries especially in America in some of the states such as Alabama, Arkansas, Utah, Mississippi, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota.point 137 | Delaware, Hawaii, Georgia, California, and South Dakota as well as New Hampshire where cameras, even surveillance ones, aren’t allowed in the dressing/fitting areas.point 286 | 1


Now as far as the law is concerned throughout the world, it’s not necessary that everyone follows it properly. So you have to make sure to see if there’s a hidden camera in the dressing room.

Here are some ways:

Get your phone service’s help


There’s a hidden camera in the dressing room when your phone’s service is not coming anymore. If you check your phone and find no service in the fitting area, there’s definitely a hidden camera in there.


OMG did you guys see this dead woman wakes up in her body bag?

Check for a two-way mirror to find out if there is any hidden camera in the dressing room




One of the craziest ways to check is to look for a two-way mirror. You must have seen these two-way mirrors in the movies especially in the investigation rooms and crime shows. This doesn’t mean there is a place behind or a room where some people are sitting and watching you undress. However, there can be a camera stuck behind the mirror to film whatever is going on in the fitting area.


To check whether the mirror is two way or not, stare at the mirror for as long as you can. You can even stick your head to the mirror and keep staring until you feel like there’s some darkness behind the mirror and you’re, comparatively in a much brighter and lit room.


You can place both your hands on the mirror and place your face in the middle, block the light from the dressing/ fitting room, and stare directly at yourself in the mirror for a while. In a bit, if you find darkness, you can definitely say it’s a two-way mirror. Since the cameras on the other side are always in a dark mode.


Bring your phone’s flashlight to use

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Androidcentral.point 152 | com

To check if there’s a hidden camera in the dressing/ fitting room, take help from your phone’s flashlight.point 256 |


In a good, real-life, normal mirror, the flashlight won’t show anything behind the mirror, of course.point 92 | Try turning off the light in the dressing room and turn on your phone’s flashlight.point 167 | 1

Afterward, peer through the mirror and check to see if you see anything behind it. If you see something behind the mirror, there’s definitely a hidden camera in the dressing/ fitting room.


The last-touch method

If the mirror is normal, there’s going to be a gap between your finger and the mirror if you place the finger on the mirror. The gap indicates the mirror is a real one!