Categories: EntertainmentLife

Henry Cavill’s Buffed Up Look Has The Witcher Star Ripping His Costume Left And Right

The drool-worthy Henry Cavill’s buffed up version is going viral.


While ladies simply can’t get their eyes off of the sizzling actor, the star’s muscle mass might be a little too much to handle. Yes, the famed Witcher star is so buffed up, he keeps on ripping his own costume.

Moreover, while we all eye holiday treats during the most wonderful time of year, this man keeps his head focused on eating lean and training mean. After all, he needs those top-notch ratings!


Read below for more exclusive details on why Henry Cavill’s buffed up body is causing the star plenty of problems.

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The Witcher star wows audiences with stud appeal

While his stunning dress sense and startling eyes were something fans simply couldn’t get enough of, Henry Cavill’s buffed up look is dreamy by all means. Think along the lines of pure perfection.


The Witcher star debuted his new look and needless to say, crowds went wild. But wait, how long did the transformation take? Moreover, was it really worth it?

Well, time proves how his new body is doing actor justice. Ratings continue to fly sky high and fans’ can’t help but stare. However, the transformation might be a little too much for the actor to handle, or so we may believe.

Source: Reddit

Henry Cavill’s buffed up ordeal- too hot to handle

For the star Netflix series, Henry Cavill revamped his body. And that’s just so he could embody the famous Geralt of Rivia character. Yes, solely for work purposes only, the 36-year-old beefed up big time.


And the extent was so great that you can see those giant bulging muscles, popping out from everywhere. However, according to some pretty authentic sources, the star might be having a little trouble with his look.

Yes, the giant muscles seem to wear down those leather costumes. And it’s turned into misery. Producers go on explaining how the costumes are ripped to the extent of needing replacement.

Source: Reddit

The Witcher star and his troublesome tantrums

Imagine putting in long hours at the gym and eating clean for months, just to get this in return. How’s that for surreal?


While, we’re sure there are plenty of us who have had garments tear left and right due to indulgent weight gains, but the ballgame is totally different over here. And definitely, not nearly as impressive.

Coming back to the topic, well, the man of the hour sat down with his costume designer. And truth be told, it might not be what we all anticipated in the long run.

Source: Splash News

Twitter entered into a tizzy, hearing how the star barely fits into his own costumes. But the rumors of ripping them beyond the point of replacement are truly insane.


Meanwhile, the show’s costume designer explained his own two cents on the matter. Tim Aslam revealed details via an interview with Polygon.

Source: New York Post

Costume designer dishes out details on Henry Cavill’s buffed up looks

The famous designer explained how Cavill is very particular about his appeal. And when it came to his medieval costume, he took a great interest in the design process too.


But when his Hercules like biceps proved to be too much for the costume to handle, the star needed replacements left and right. Moreover, that meant the designer needed to step up his game, getting plenty of replacements ready for production’s demand.

Source: Pinterest

Thankfully, it all worked out in the end, with the star looking dashing in his armored look. In fact, replacements were such a norm, that the star felt right at home in the costume. Rumor has it that he spent plenty of downtime on set, buckled up in the gear.


Well, it seems like the Henry Cavill buffed up version, isn’t too bad, after all.

For more trending news from around the globe, don’t forget to take a look at our article Role Model Ronnie Is All Grown Up And He’s Up To Fabulous Things.