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Here Is How You Can Find Out If You Have A Healthy Urine Color

Urine color and health go hand in hand.


A person’s urine color can tell a lot about their overall health. Its no wonder why many ask what is healthy urine color. Urine is a mixture of several different components. This includes sodium, urea, creatinine, and chlorine.

Healthy urine color is pale yellow. While odor and consistency are important, urine color gives obvious indications about health. In general, urine is made of 95% water. But the other 5% is what really counts.


For a better understanding of healthy urine, let’s take a look below.

Source: Truth Inside of You


Does transparency signal healthy urine color

Transparent or clear urine is the most dilute form. It indicates you are drinking excessive amounts of water. However, urine that is always transparent indicates you are overhydrated.


Without a doubt, water is good for you. But drinking water in bulk means ridding your body of healthy electrolytes. The end result is an imbalance. Occasional transparent urine isn’t something to worry about. But regular episodes dictate a need to control.

Source: Healthline

Pale yellow- standard for healthy urine color

When it comes to pale urine color and health, there’s not a lot of worrying to do. This is the healthiest color of urine.


Original urine is pale yellow in hue. The presence of urochrome grants urine a yellowish tinge.

But where does urochrome come from? Urochrome arises from hemoglobin breakdown. Hemoglobin is the protein that carries oxygen in red blood cells. On most occasions, your urine depends on how concentrated or dilute urochrome is. Pale urine color and health mean you are drinking sufficient amounts of water. You are well hydrated.


Understanding the meaning behind dark yellow/amber urine color

The greater the amount of urochrome pigment, the less diluted it is. Hence, the more dehydrated you are.

Dark yellow/amber-colored urine is a reminder to rehydrate your body. It is not healthy urine color. With that being said, individuals shouldn’t wait for their urine color to change. Instead, they should continue drinking sufficient amounts of water daily.


Also, people that consume excessive vitamin B tend to have neon yellow-colored urine.

Source: OnHealth

Does red urine color raise a flag?

Red-colored urine should always raise a flag. The red color may arise due to blood, known as hematuria. This is an alarm for underlying medical conditions. Red urine is not healthy urine color These include:

  1. Kidney stones
  2. An enlarging prostate gland (Prostate Hypertrophy)
  3. Bladder tumors
  4. Kidney tumors

Keeping that aside, red color urine may also arise from different dietary foods. This includes blueberries, beets, and rhubarb. Nevertheless, red color urine demands proper medical attention.

Source: Everyday Health

Is it normal to have blue or green colored urine?

On the majority, blue or green colored urine occurs due to dietary habits. In particular, food dyes/colorings used.  What you consume can affect your urine color. And this is the perfect example of the notion.


Kidney and bladder tests can also use dyes that give a blue/green tinge to urine. At the same time, bacterial infections of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa may also hint at blue/green urine.

Differentiating brown/black urine with healthy urine color

Dark brown urine is a clear sign of dehydration. It may also occur due to medicinal side effects from Metronidazole or Chloroquine.


Some dietary foods like Flava beans, rhubarb, or aloe may impart that dark brownish tinge to urine. At the same time, medical illnesses like Porphyrias and liver diseases that deposit bile behave similarly.

Blackish urine is produced by eating or inhaling copper compounds and phenols.

Source: Things Kidney

Every individual’s urine color and health varies. Consequently, it depends on your diet, lifestyle, and general medical state. Judging urine by its color can assist in diagnosing important medical illnesses. At the end of the day, healthy urine color is what matters most.