Categories: HealthLife

Genital Herpes | Signs, Symptoms, And Treatment

Genital herpes is a very contagious infection.


Usually, it is spread by having sex. Hence, that means sleeping with an infected partner makes you more vulnerable to the disease.

But what is the main cause of genital herpes? According to experts, it is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 or type 1. Coincidently, this is the same virus that gives you cold sores.



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Source: Seasons Medical

What is the treatment for genital herpes? Undoubtedly, it is a very painful and irritating condition.point 213 |


And that’s why patients search for the most convenient and fastest treatment available.point 77 | Currently, there is no single treatment available.point 121 | But this condition requires medical attention.point 162 |   They will prescribe you medicines that heal the sores while preventing its spread further.point 241 | 1


Let’s take a closer look at the signs, symptoms, and treatment of genital herpes in more detail below.

Source: ACEP Now

Common signs and symptoms that raise a red flag

Genital herpes is a very common sexual disease. Frequently, many people don’t know that they have the condition. This is because their signs and symptoms are mild or they notice no change.

Source: 123RF.com

Usually, the signs show up between two and twelve days, after getting the infection. Some of the common symptoms include the following:

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Source: WebMD
  • Pain, burning or itching sensations around private parts- this can be very irritating
  • Tiny red-colored bumps
  • Small white blisters
  • Tiny ulcers- when the blisters rupture, they form ulcers
  • Crusting of skin or scab formation- this usually occurs when the healing phase begins
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Source: Clinical Advisor

Simultaneously, it’s important to remember that you can get flu-like symptoms too.point 195 | Hence, this includes muscle pain, headaches, as well as fever.point 248 | 1


Differences in the location for men and women

Usually, the blisters occur at the place where the infection is present. Simultaneously, you can spread the infection by touching or rubbing that particular area, and then touching another body part. Hence, that is why it’s recommended to wash your hands frequently.

Source: Drugs save your life

Common locations for symptoms in men and women include:

  • Mouth
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Anus
  • Urethra- tube whereby urine drains from the bladder towards the outside
Source: Telacare

Women can develop symptoms in other areas such as:

  • the cervix
  • the vaginal area
  • external genitals
Source: MD Magazine

On the other hand, men can have symptoms in:

  • the penis
  • the scrotum

Risk factors that you should know

How can you prevent genital herpes from occurring in the first place?

The prevention of this condition is the same for all other sexually transmitted diseases. Hence, individuals should practice safe sex using condoms, limit their sexual partners, and also avoid sex when one partner is infected.

Source: mymed.com

Common risk factors for this condition?

Overall, the following individuals are at greatest risk of getting genital herpes:


Women- Women have a higher chance than males in getting this infection. This is because the virus can enter the woman more easily than the man.

Source: LadyFirst

Having more than one sex partner- When you have more than one sex partner, you put yourself at more risk for genital herpes. Hence, medical experts recommended sticking to one partner and knowing if they are infected.


How to treat the condition?

There is no cure for genital herpes. However, if you have any of the signs or symptoms of this condition, you should visit your doctor immediately. Consequently, they will conduct a simple medical examination and prescribe you with treatment. And this treatment will assist in relieving the symptoms. On the whole, the condition will clear out on its own, at its own time.

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Source: AAFP
  • Usually, doctors prescribe medicines that help in removing the viral infection.point 180 | Similarly, your physician will assess whether or not you need painkiller creams.point 249 |

  • Without a doubt, patients should drink extra fluids to assist in passing out dilute urine.point 76 |
  • Similarly, many patients feel relief with loose clothing and undergarments
  • Patients should keep their private parts clean through frequent body washes.point 207 |

  • Applying wrapped ice packs on the affected area makes a big difference
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Source: Amazon.point 173 | com

Genital herpes is a painful viral infection that requires medical attention.point 242 |


For this reason, patients should indulge in practicing safe sex to prevent their occurrences.point 80 | point 80 | 1