Categories: FunnyMemes

9 Funny Relationship Memes That Will Crack Your Ribs

Those of you who are in a relationship, no matter what stage; early or late, you will know exactly what funny relationship memes means here.


There are so many funny relationship jokes out there but we decided to select carefully the ones that are the most hilarious.

To give you the best taste of funny relationship quotes, down below are a bunch of memes for people of all types. Promise ya, you won’t be able to hold your laughter after watching this.


Waiting for your partner to come back like


Now we all have experienced how when your spouse or partner goes for a bathroom break in the middle of playing a game on your PS4 (or maybe PS5 if they’re lucky enough to have you that you have gifted them with one). They take AGES to come back.


I mean what exactly goes around in there? We don’t know that but we sure as heck know this is exactly how YOU look when you’ve been waiting.

You think I am over it?


Aren’t we all a little jealous or say a little too sassy to not forgive and forget our spouses’ ex? Let’s be honest, you never will and you never have even thought about it. So here’s a funny relationship meme to depict exactly how you’d be when 80 years old.


You will crack your ribs watching these funny chat memes

The best funny relationship joke of 2020

point 81 |
Buzzfeed.point 190 | com

What’s true love? Is it 2 am pizzas? Or do you think it’s an unexpected surprise date with your love at your favorite expensive restaurant in a town? Ummm, no.point 335 |


Here’s what’s true love.point 33 | If your spouse has never handed you a tissue roll while you really needed it in the bathroom… you might wanna check the level of love !!point 149 | 1

Here’s one of a funny relationship memes showing exactly how you look when you ask you significant other for something from the other room. Check out the distress, the worry, the impatience all at once in this picture. Pretty relatable huh?


When you need a lifetime to decide

Now comes one of the most repeatable cycles of the world. You’d know this if you are in a relationship. YOU.JUST.CANT.EVER.DECIDE!


One of the best funny relationships quotes ever


This is one of the funny relationship quotes. All singles stay away because it’s extraordinarily hilarious considering how accurate it is for those in a relationship. A few months in the relation and y’all get so comfy bombarding each other with you know what it is ;))


The best time of the day


Nothing beats the level of satisfaction and happiness when you come home from a long day of work and you see dinner ready on the table. It’s that ONE and ONLY time when you feel grateful for each other!!


Missing them already?


You know you hate it sometimes when bae’s around the house 24/7 but hey. It feels like forever when they have to leave out for a day or two.


A fun party!


Another top funny relationship meme is when you and bae finally get a weekend off together and y’all go grocery shopping. There are normal people but that’s too boring so you guys end up buying the whole store in bulk because you are gonna have a party of two at home. So this is it! We have found the perfect meme for you below!


When your significant other calls you by your name

point 42 |
Memegenerator.point 156 | net

Yeah no, thank you! I’d rather be called whatever they call me before because calling by your real name feels like they’re sorta mad at you.point 286 |


I know for some people it’s the opposite and it’s rather romantic to be called by the name but we ain’t about that life, call me bae or that’s it we outta here!point 152 | 1

We hope you enjoyed these funny relationship memes and related to all of them.