Categories: FunnyMemes

Funny Memes About Work For Those Who Have A Job But Wish They Didn’t

What better way to pass time at your job than binging upon funny memes about work?


If you’re the kind that takes countless restroom breaks or pretends to type nonsense as your boss walks on by, then this hilarious collection is for you. Moreover, it’s not only relatable for colleagues but for those who have work but wish they didn’t.


Don’t get us wrong over here. We all adore the fact that jobs are a blissful routine but again, who doesn’t love being a couch potato and reading funny memes about work. But wait, what if we told you that you could do both?

Fail to believe us? If yes, then go on scrolling down below, and oh, you may thank us later!


The most relatable one of them all

point 28 |
Source: Pinterest

Dumb colleagues, okay that sounds a little harsh, not so clever ones, make appearances at all workplaces.point 233 |


Therefore, you can’t get over them so why not celebrate them for who they really are.point 76 | Yes, it’s easier said than done but again, life is full of plenty of struggles.point 147 | And this is clearly one of them.point 173 | 1

Getting late is a normal routine, or maybe it isn’t

point 221 |

point 0 |

Source: Bored Panda

Just when you thought your new year’s resolution would kick into place, here comes funny memes about work that prove that notion wrong.point 236 |


Oh, and just in case you run out of things to say, it never hurts, to be honest.point 63 | See, weekdays and being late, it’s always acceptable, right?point 121 | 1

Life’s never-ending struggles

point 154 |
Source: Pinterest

The struggles in life are pretty real and it never gets old.point 319 |


But again, we always hope that no one asks and when they do, it’s beyond imaginable how sentimental the situation really is.point 109 | Ok, we’re going to stop before those tears come rolling down.point 166 | Sigh, life isn’t a boat ride after all.point 204 | 1


Positivity rules the world- funny memes about work

point 43 |
Source: Very Funny Pics

Yes, positivity is the only way forward, even on those crazy and dreadful Monday mornings.point 239 |


And like the little kid pleads and begs, we can so relate to it all.point 54 | Sigh, those expressions are killer and we wish we’d look half as cute as him.point 123 | For now, we’ll just have to do with this meme for days.point 173 | 1

It’s a line that no one wants to hear

point 208 |

point 0 |

Source: SayingImages.point 120 | com

You can’t even be happy about completing your work on time.point 178 | And that’s because you know that someone, somewhere, will surely reign on your parade.point 257 |


And when we’re talking about the workplace, it’s definitely your boss.point 72 | So what’s the easy way out.point 100 | Simple, walk away without anyone noticing.point 137 | If only it was that easy, life would be great.point 174 | 1

That feeling we can all relate to

Source: Pinterest

If you happen to be like us, you might want to click a picture of yourself on day one of your job and then do the same, at the end of the month. Clearly, the difference is of a whole new world. And we simply wouldn’t put it any other way. Again, it’s all a part of life and the sulking part gets included too.


The world revolves around food

point 26 |
Source: BuzzFeed

It’s that one break that all colleagues wait for, throughout the end.point 205 |


So, imagine getting all tied up in a sticky mess with no one to turn to.point 57 | In this case, we’re talking about no food and that is clearly a major problem.point 127 | But again, it always helps to store up on extra munchies at the workplace.point 188 | You never know when you might need them.point 221 | 1


The swearing is a problem

Source: The DailymMoss

As much as you hate to do it, sometimes life gives you lemons. And it’s really hard to put those emotions under control. Super glad that funny memes about work get our feelings down right.


When things get real

Source: Pinterest

No one wants to look their best when they’re working from home. For this reason, those dreadful skype calls aren’t always received with a warm welcome. Do you agree?



For more trending stories, don’t forget to take a look at our article These Hilarious PlayStation 5 Memes Are Taking Over The World Of Game.