Categories: FunnyMemes

7 Funny Medical Doctors Memes You Can Troll Your Friends With

If you are a doctor or know someone close to you who’s a doctor, you’d know the sweat and blood it takes to become one.


But we are also sure you are know how many doctors memes are there on the internet that you like to troll them with.

Though it ain’t easy becoming a doctor hence why not everyone is. Only those with special studying stamina and dedication to their profession can become the most reliable and awesome doctors in the world. Well, truth be told, not every doctor is that cool though. But still, it takes time and effort!


So how do students who study to become a doctor overcome their stress and efforts? Well, the funny medical doctor memes are there all over the internet. Not going to lie, some of them have very dark humour and others.. well, super corny and unrelated to most people but they will surely make you laugh, too.


So down below we’ve filtered out some of the most funny medical doctor memes for you.

My parents are idiots!


One of the best doctor jokes as well as a bad doctor meme is basically this. The kid with the measles and the doc trying to figure out the pattern of the measles on his skin to tell his parents what the kid is trying to say through his disease. So idiotic yet funny doctors memes as hell.


Can you guys believe it? This crazy stepmother beat and starved her 10-year old daughter

When they mistake you for a medical doctor


Ok, so not every doctor meme is funny to everyone especially the doctors of philosophy a.k.a Ph.D’s. Some of you philosophers are seriously not going to like this meme as no one really considers you a doctor.


I mean just look at this meme when a ‘real doc’ is needed to save a life. What would do you? Nothing, because you say more than you do. Ok, no offence but this is a typical doctors joke.

The handwriting of doctors that no one understands


You guys remember when this meme on different scenarios went viral? Where a ‘leader’ is seen asking a group of protesters or shall we say ‘requesters’ asking ‘Who are we” and “What do we want?” Now imagine this but in a doctors edition.


It’s such a bad doctors meme and we don’t know what to feel about this.

Funniest of Doctors memes


Imagine you’re really fat and you go up to your doctor and he tells you you’re basically obese and control of diet intake is required.


But you try to console yourself and give fake solace by saying oh obesity just runs in the family you know, can’t really do anything about it. Check out the doctor’s response below, this is another best of doctors memes that we love!


A medical substitute for the cure!


Ok we don’t know how to feel about this funny medical doctor meme in which the doc isn’t really a medical doctor in the pic. It’s a police medic? What is that? Who are they? What exactly is he supposed to do? Check it out yourself!


A lot of other things are killing you mate!

point 35 |
Boredpanda.point 146 | com

Y’all definitely remember this doctor’s face from all over the internet on all social media platforms when it went viral.point 263 |


This was a year or two ago.point 21 | Like, for real, memes on this doctor dude were the funniest on earth! So we’re presenting you with yet another funny medical doctor meme with the same doc.point 155 | 1

You can just tell by his expressions show he’s legit constipated of keeping the bad news to himself. Ha! This is the funniest of doctors memes ever.


Making you fall for the doctors or the kittens?

point 39 |
Boredpanda.point 150 | com

Last but not least! If you’re a cat girl or a guy, every picture and every cat on earth will make you want to hug them because of their cuteness.point 275 |


So to melt your hearts, we’re presenting this totes adorbs pic turned into a meme.point 74 | This is how medical students observing initial surgery stages look like.point 136 | If you’re one of those early birds, this will cheer you up like no other meme because of its accuracy.point 225 |


Also, it’s so cute!!point 23 | 1

Ok so let us know which one of these doctors memes was your favourite? We have a lot more to offer if you stick with us!