With the arrival of this COVID-19 pandemic, of course, first came the stress and worry but funny Covid memes can cheer you up.
As time is passing, people have started taking it lightly. Although it shouldn’t be taken lightly, all the precautionary measures such as keeping your hands clean especially when you’re outside shall be properly done and in intervals.
As well as wearing a mask outside is a necessity, however, people didn’t leave this pandemic behind and made funny covid memes for the rest of the world to ‘take it easy’ sometime.
They say “A day without laughter is a day wasted” so here are some funny covid memes for you to cheer up!
A perk of Covid-19?
This is our current fave meme for no reason but because we genuinely believe Patrick Star is the real hero in here. Distributing free money to others? Well, this is where President Trump definitely got the idea from, we believe.
This is how they spend the $1200 from Trump
Another fave funny covid meme of ours has got to be this one.
Now we went a little cray-cray on the shopping there when we received our Trump stimulus check, didn’t we? Here’s a pic someone posted on the internet after the check saying “this is how we do it.” (Although they might not have enough money to buy food at the end of the month, hmm?) But hey! Nice bathroom getup!
Really Forbes?
So while everyone was panicking about losing their jobs, worried about how to pay the rents or car mortgage.
Here’s what Forbes was up to. Slaughtering our throat slowly for sure with this picture of Kylie Jenner, ranking her the youngest billionaire in the world.I mean come on, read the caption of this post, enough to make you laugh for today!
The sad yet funny Covid memes
What did people do with the Stimulus check? Here’s a brief example of what went down. People really didn’t invest huh, they just went straight for the 82 inches Samsung TV at Costco. *SMH*.
On the other hand, people have started to wash their hands more often than usual, and this is the result of it.
WOW did you know these richest celebrities on the face of Earth?
Learn from the wise cat at least!
Here’s a kitty cat trying to tell you how you look exactly trying to fill out your tax returns/ payments just so you could get your check-in time. I mean, as if we all never knew that we all sucked at taxes and paperwork. This Pandemic at least taught us how to file our taxes in time, no?
But this would be fraudulent?
People be calling this “Passive Income” if you file for an Unemployment check and a Stimulus check you’re already getting. How cool is that though?
Smart marketing, don’t you think?
Ok, another funny covid meme has got to be this one! It’s amazingly hilarious how ads and big companies have switched from simply telling us to buy their product to… well, explaining how during quarantine you need this product more than ever now.
Why did the US invade Iraq?
Another funny covid meme has to be this one from Gossip Girls scene. This meme ain’t afraid to get political. So why did the U.S invade Iraq? Girl, it was for oil. Turn this into a meme and you get this pic below. Real GG fans will get it!
I am not counting 2020
One last Twitter post that turned in to a funny covid meme is this one! Really, we all can agree on this globally for once that this year was absolutely ruined by COVID-19 and ain’t nobody celebrating their birthdays, adding another year to their age. We are the same age as we were back in 2019 so consider us still young!
We hope you liked these funny covid memes and stay connected with us so we can present you with even more hilarious stuff which is coming your way!