Categories: EntertainmentFamily

10 Surprisingly Funny American Facts We Bet You Didn’t Know

These funny American facts are not only hilarious but startlingly true too.


While many US citizens have trouble remembering simple things like the famous Star-Spangled Banner, we certainly don’t expect them to remember other national facts. Moreover, that’s exactly why we thought it would be a nice idea to put forward a uniquely neat compilation of some of the strangest yet true ordeals.

Source: Imgur

Not only are these funny American facts hard to believe, but they’re also giving out some pretty basic information about our country. Hence, since we’ve done all the research for you, it’s time to sit back and relax.


Let the fun-filled exploration begin!

Wow, talk about conservative

Source: Viral Nova

While the USA is known for democracy and the free will to express love, the state of Iowa has other intentions. Yes, Iowa says that mustached men can’t kiss women in public. Funny, bizarre, crazy- call it what you may. But this is definitely something worth noticing.


Well how’s that for some shocking surprises

point 43 |
Source: wtf-fact.point 159 | com

Talent isn’t measured by age or experience.point 205 |


It’s an array of skills that are in-built and no matter how young you may be, you can’t rid yourself from its glory.point 106 | Just take a look at this funny American fact.point 143 | Certainly, we’re trying our level best to ignore the B minus grade here too.point 212 | 1


American Airlines- a gourmet affair

Source: Aero Time

While olives may not be everyone’s cup of tea, some term it a delicacy. Yes, according to reports, taking out olives from your meal plan’s salad could benefit you in so many ways. This includes a whopping $40,00 slash from ticket costs. Wow, food does rule the world in more ways than one.


So much for respecting the presidents- funny American facts

Source: cracked.com

Well, this one really caught us off-guard. Gone are the days when teachers used to print pretty pictures of American history. Today, there’s a modern take on who was who and what really went on, behind the scenes.


Americans and their talents

Source: wtf-fun-fact.com

Every country has its own strengths and weaknesses. But here, the Americans truly lead when it comes to their confidence. As the rule of thumb goes, confidence is the first step of success for days.


Bizarre yet fascinating- time to put manners into place

point 47 |
Source: Amazon.point 161 | com

Well, as the old saying goes, good manners never go out of style.point 217 |


And that’s probably one of the many reasons why New Jersey believes that sluping isn’t good to hear, see, or admire.point 108 | Moreover, we’re just daunting over the fine that could possibly be involved here.point 183 | Hence, please behave fellow Americans when you’re dining here.point 243 | 1


Rest in peace abbreviations

Source: Pinterest

It’s not uncommon to use abbreviations in today’s day and age. After all, they’re supposed to make our lives easier. Well, not exactly in the USA. According to research, many people mistaken HTML as an illness. Hence, we feel bad for the world of technology and the phobia that surrounds it.


And the that’s why savings go out the window

Source: TechEBlog

For those who intend on preserving their stacks of cash for years, you might want to rethink that notion. But what’s really surprising here is how we thought dollar bills were meant to last a lifetime.


In other bizarre news- funny American facts

Source: Pinterest

We don’t have too much to say here except for AWKWARD!


Celebrating the dead- not an ordinary affair

Source: Viral Nova

Well, this one doesn’t take the cake as extraordinary but it surely does manage to strike out as weird. Certainly, we all seem to learn new things each day.



For more trending stories from around the globe, don’t forget to take a look at our article Trump’s Secret Letter To President Biden Triggers Hilarious Memes.