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‘Am I In The Wrong For Getting Mad At My Mother-In-Law After She Announced Our Baby’s Birth Before We Had The Chance?’

A mother who just suffered a ‘difficult birth’ was left livid after her mother-in-law took it upon herself to announce her baby’s arrival to other family members without her permission.


Writing on Mumsnet, the new mom explained that she had been in contact with her parents to tell them that her baby had arrived safely and that she also wanted to tell other relatives as soon as she could.

But before she was able to make the announcement, her mother-in-law already shared the happy news with everyone and even mentioned personal details about the birth.


“Would this annoy you? I had a difficult birth and we told our parents the baby was here safely,” the woman wrote.


“Before I was even compos mentis, my mother-in-law had announced it on the wider family WhatsApp group that I am in and included it ended in a c-section. Am I being unreasonable to be very p***** off?”

She also explained that telling everyone that she underwent a c-section was very ‘unnecessary.’


Fellow Mumsnet users were left divided, with many understanding the new mom while others also considered the grandmother’s excitement.


One person commented: “My sister put it on Facebook (I don’t use Facebook). I was furious at the time but now I look back I wish I hadn’t given it headspace.

“I was never going to tell these people face to face so what does it really matter in the grand scheme of things, she’s saved you a job! Enjoy these magical first few days, don’t ruin them with something that doesn’t matter really!”


Another said: “I would not like it – I don’t share other people’s news and I wouldn’t expect them to share mine.”


A third added: “Let’s imagine my birth back in the ’50s when we didn’t even have a landline. New Grandma sees her neighbor over the fence and tells her about the new arrival.

“Neighbor: ‘That’s lovely! How are mother and baby?’ Grandma: “Doing well, though it was a caesarian so they won’t be home for a few days.”


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