Categories: DIYLife

Eyeball Tattoos Are Trending But They’re Not For The Faint Hearted

You may have come across a number of weird ordeals but nothing beats eyeball tattoos for days.


Yes, they’re mildly spooky, demonic, and very painful too. Clearly, it’s a trend that is taking over the world by storm. However, it’s a tale that’s clearly not for those with faint hearts.

While extreme forms of body art exist, eyeball tattoos might just rank a notch above all others. And no, we’re not kidding on this one. Tattoos that are placed inside your eyeball are actually possible.


Below, we’re covering some of the most startling examples with some crazy pictures that relate to the baffling global trend.

Eyeball tattoos are an extreme

point 137 |
Source: Viral Nova

There’s something truly unique about the tattoos on her face that balance out the extreme version of her eyes.point 351 |


And yes, they make it all a tad bit less shocking.point 40 | Moreover, we’d love to see the before and after clicks too.point 95 | But again, with this much gothic vibes going on, the difference would obviously be great.point 170 | 1

Eyes in a daze- quite literally

Source: Viral Nova

What did this person actually do to his face? We’re still baffled at the consequences that his love for body art has entailed. But again, who are we to judge. And just for the record, we’re cringing over those bulging earrings too.


A colorful affair or maybe not

Source: Peterborough Examiner

Just the thought of the pain and skill that went into making this body art form a reality has our minds blown. Moreover, wouldn’t it make more sense to actually wear colorful contact lenses instead. Ouch, that is all we have to say.


No regrets whatsoever- eyeball tattoos

point 34 |
Source: Imgur

This man doesn’t seem to mind the fact that he’s got tattoos covering the entire half side of his face.point 242 |


On the contrary, we really hope he can see clearly after.point 47 | And that’s because we simply can’t.point 89 | It’s truly amazing how much pain people are willing to go through for things like these.point 168 | 1

The pain is real and beyond us

Source: XRONIX

Why oh why, yes, that is what we’re trying to wonder after seeing this click. We hope you agree with us on this one. It’s just too painful for us to bear, that’s for sure. Did we mention the horrors that come with an eyeball tattoo gone bad?


We’re very serious about this one. There are plenty of stories online that explain the hazards of tattoos going wrong and damaging the eye. As we said previously, proceed with your own caution.

Who needs Halloween?

Source: Earthly Mission

Literally, we’re not being offensive and to each their own. But, we simply don’t think these boys need Halloween to celebrate ghoulish appearances. Clearly, one look is all it takes to realize that this is some pretty daring fashion.


How’s that for some diversity

point 31 |
Source: tattoo blogger

If adding versatility and a bizarre unique appeal is what you’re in search of, then this guy might be your calling.point 252 |


We’re still trying to wonder why he chose two separate tattoo designs for each eye.point 75 | Clearly, looking human-like wasn’t supposed to be a part of his original plan.point 147 | And he surely succeeded.point 168 | What do you think about his look?point 195 | 1

Extreme body art fascinations

Source: Tattoo designs-blogger

From his countless piercings to his tattoos inside his eyes, this individual seems to be leading the race in terms of pain and pleasure. On the other hand, we’re glad he stuck to a single color at least. Oh, and it matches his outfit too!


The love for baseball is a bit too real

Source: Eye Health Nepal

When you’re an avid baseball fan, what do you? Well, clearly playing the sport might be too mainstream for some, like this fellow. Instead, he chose to celebrate with an eye tattoo that looks like a baseball. See, now he’s sorted for life or we’d like to believe so.



For more jaw-dropping articles, don’t forget to take a look at our story This Famed Doctor With Tattoos Is Breaking Stereotypes Around The Globe.