Celery is one of the most underrated vegetables ever.
If you happen to visit your local grocery store, you’ll probably find a giant heap of untouched celery. And that’s because people aren’t aware of its great benefits. Did we mention it’s widespread use as a flavoring too? Yes, celery is a superfood that not only tastes great but is great in terms of flavor. But can dogs eat celery?
Moreover, the uber nutritious and healthy ingredient is probably the most ignored one too. And as more people start with healthy diets, they’re finding out more about its great benefits. If you’re a pet owner, you’ve probably thought about feeding your little man some celery too. But can you?
Here’s everything you need to know about can dogs eat celery.
Can dogs eat celery- the truth about the super ingredient
If your little furry friend can’t help but take his eyes off of your celery treats, there’s some great news. Dogs can eat celery. In fact, the superfood is great for dogs and that’s why vets are recommending it.
Likewise, the healthy treat is safe for dogs to munch too. With that being said, there’s actually a safe way and also an unsafe means of eating celery. And here’s more on what you should know about can all dogs eat celery.
Celery is one of the ‘better people food’ for dogs
Whether we like it or not, dogs love human foods. Likewise, it’s not uncommon for them to be sticking their nose into your plate or bowl. But not all people’s foods are so great for dogs. But, celery is a mighty exception.
The delicious treat is termed as one of the healthier ‘people foods’ for dogs. And believe it or not, it’s loaded with some incredible benefits. Similarly, celery comes loaded and packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s also very low in calories and that’s why dieticians recommend it full throttle.
Unbelievingly, many dog foods and homemade recipes include celery, and we’re sure pet owners never had a clue. In short, you can feed your dog celery with a few guidelines. And these are mentioned below.
Can dogs eat celery pulp?
Now that we’re quite familiar with the fact that dogs can eat celery, what’s next? Which parts of the vegetable should you feed your pet?
Generally, celery leaves are the most delicious part of the vegetable as a whole. And that has to do with the simple fact that it’s packed with the most flavor. An added tip to remember for all the chefs out there, don’t forget to add celery leaves to your soup pot. You can thank us later!
Okay, now coming back to which parts you should be feeding your dog. It’s probably in your best interest to avoid giving your furry friend the leafy part. They usually find it hard to digest this and hence, give them no benefit. Secondly, the leaves can house toxins and pesticides that are harmful.
On the other hand, it’s fine to serve them with the soft celery pulp. And you’ll be amazed how keenly they enjoy their superfood treat.
netA quick look at why you should feed your dogs’ celery
So we mentioned that celery is low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals like potassium.
But is that all? The answer is no of course. Celery contains a lot of Vitamin K, which gives dogs healthy and strong bones.Likewise, it’s ideal to feed older dogs or more energetic ones with celery snacks, depending on their needs.
Did you know that celery is very high in water content like cucumbers? Yes, the lean, green and mean vegetable is 95% water, making it ideal as a summertime snack too.
So the answer to can all dogs eat celery is a big YES! It’s ideal for pet owners to feed their dogs’ celery in small amounts for the most benefit. Happy munching!
For more similar informative and trending news about dogs, don’t forget to check our article Can Dogs Eat Oranges?