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Breastfeeding Mum Gives Trolls A Brave & Inspiring Response After Being Told To Cover Up

A breastfeeding mother is being applauded after she bravely responded to all those who told her to cover up in public.


Time after time, it’s not uncommon to witness the breastfeeding police and trolls have their say or pass judgments on mothers that feed their babies in public. However, this one recent incident has inspired so many women from around the globe after the mother gave her trolls an unexpected yet brave reply.

Source: Fabiosa

The thought of being harassed for feeding her seven-month-old baby was something that was not on the cards for a mum named Sadie Jackson Durbin. Moreover, she made headlines after she fed her daughter at a famous Texas Roadhouse restaurant.


According to Sadie, she had no other option but to breastfeed her baby in public. Moreover, she adds that she felt super at ease and comfortable for doing so. But what sparked her anger was when the restaurant’s manager felt it was alright to come on over and cover her baby girl’s face with a napkin.

Source: Fabiosa

Certainly, he messed with the wrong woman and Sadie wasn’t going to sit down quietly watching in silence.


Sadie confidently confronted him for his actions, adding how whatever he was doing was illegal. But the manager kept on playing innocent, saying that he did absolutely nothing wrong.

He also had the nerve to tell the mother that her breastfeeding actions made other customers feel uneasy. While the mum claims that it was definitely a humiliating affair for her, she certainly was not going to sit silently and watch.

Source: Facebook

The mum bravely shared her story via her Facebook account, attaching a letter that encouraged all new mothers to stand up and fight for their rights.


Here is where she spoke about how it was high time for others to normalize breastfeeding in public. She also bravely added that this one incident would not make her stop and encouraged other new mums to feed their children wherever and whenever they want.


While it may appear as a small move, her story went viral in an instant. In the same way, it set an example for so many mothers who went through similar experiences and hence were too afraid to raise their voices.

Source: Fabiosa

After Sadie’s share, so many mothers are making sure they don’t succumb to the pressures of restaurant policies that entail harassing breastfeeding mums.


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