Categories: Daily Top 10Health

60kg Amazing Weight Loss Grants Man A Date With Girl That Shamed Him

Teenage years can really make or break your personality.


Simply put, it’s one of those phases where you’re growing under a number of hormonal changes. Some may look their best on the outside while others struggle to achieve an identity worth remembering. Let’s not forget about the never-ending struggles with weight and the shaming that comes alongside it. Whatever the case may be, this amazing weight loss journey of Anthony Bayer has the world talking. And we can safely say that it’s for all the right reasons.

Source: Daily Mail

Anthony Bayer’s weight struggles led to constant rejection by girls

Meet Anthony Bayer- the young man whose amazing weight loss transformation inspired so many others around the world. But things weren’t as great in the past as they are now.


As a teenager, Anthony was always looked down upon, due to his weight. Likewise, it wouldn’t be incorrect to say that he struggled with his love life too, being constantly rejected by girls for this reason.

Source: Transform Your Future

It shattered his confidence and lowered his self-esteem like no other. Moreover, he experienced more low days than high ones, all thanks to his overweight struggles.


On the whole, Anthony was his heaviest at 157kg where only a size 42 in trousers fit him. He was the center of so many cruel jokes and the ultimate laughing stock for those that surrounded him. To sum it up, school life was a rather difficult journey and one he’ll never forget, thanks to being overweight.

Source: YouTube

Last-minute rejection leaves overweight Anthony devastated

Anthony’s friends tricked him in one of the cruelest high school pranks ever. A girl whom he admired, agreed to be his date for the annual high school dance. However, things didn’t go according to plan as she rejected him, at the very last moment.


The cruel prank ended when a sharply dressed Anthony arrived at the girl’s footsteps, only to find out the truth. Let’s not forget the great effort he put in making his date an absolute success. This included a rented limo and customized suit too, but all efforts were in vain.

Source: The Mirror

From rejection to renowned fame- how one man’s amazing weight loss story transformed his life forever

If that cruel high school rejection trick wasn’t enough of a motivation to lose weight, we’re not quite sure what would be.


Today, 26-year-old Anthony has lost over 60kgs in one of the most talked-about amazing weight loss journeys ever. At the same time, he proudly expresses the drastic change it has made to his love life. It wasn’t a weight loss transformation of 3 months. It had taken him 5 years to get to where he is today.

Source: For Reason

It’s not uncommon for Anthony to get hits and complements by girls all around, not to mention all those that once rejected him for his weight, in the past.


But Anthony reveals that the real reason for his amazing weight loss transformation is his doctor who gave him a reality check. It scared him while inspiring him to make a big change in his eating habits and lifestyle.

Anthony revealed how he hit the gym with undue motivation, followed by massive changes in his diet. And the end results were nothing but fabulous, comprising of a drop in 60 kg and an appalling 5 clothing sizes.


What happens when the girl that shamed you turns around and asks you out- Anthony’s dream comes true

Today, Anthony is doing well for himself, as a business owner in Queensland, Australia. He describes with great pride how the girl that once pulled a prank on him, actually turned around and messaged him for a date. Above all, he’s happy with all his accomplishments with many more to come.

Source: Unilad

Anthony says:

I really like this girl at school. She was very popular. Also, all the guys thought she was the hottest girl in our grade.


‘I thought she was really pretty, and I must have been crazy, but I decided I’d ask her to the school dance.

‘It was my final year of school, and I just thought, “why not?” I was anticipating her to reject me straight away and just laugh in my face.

Source: YouTube

‘But amazingly she said yes, I couldn’t believe it. I was so excited about the dance that I bought a new suit, got a haircut, hired a limo.


‘I wanted to impress her. When I arrived at her doorstep, she said “sorry, you’re too fat to fit through the door” and slammed the door in my face.’

Anthony says no to fast food and vows to continue his healthy lifestyle

Anthony recalls the terrible high school incident with the most heartbroken expressions. He also reveals how so many others made fun of him when they found out what actually happened. Furthermore, he sank into depression right after that. And that lasted till the end of high school, and years later too.

Source: For Reason

Today, things are remarkably different. Anthony enjoys all the attention and never looks at fast food like before- one of the major causes of his weight struggles. He also enjoys seeing before and after weight loss Tumblr images as a motivation to stay on track.


So was it an amazing weight loss transformation in 3 months? No, it took him 5 years and the results are here to stay.


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