Categories: DIYLife

These Creepy Drawings By Kids Are Reminiscing A Terrifying Experience 

If you think that the mind of a child is solely restricted to fun and games, then you might need to see these creepy drawings.


Chilling and terrifying would probably be an underestimate of how deep some kids may think. Yes, it’s a trip over to the unknown. Moreover, a glance into a mysterious realm of spooky experiences. Needless to say, they’re leaving behind candy and Ferris wheels too.


And when we’re pretty sure you’ll be just as gobsmacked as we were while staring at the conjured pictures. So let’s embark on a physically shaking journey that screams wild and wacky from far away.

The thought process is surreal- creepy drawings

point 222 |

point 0 |

Source: Viral Nova

Creepy drawings by kids like this image have plenty of adults scratching their heads.point 188 | And just when you thought the term atheist might be restricted to adults, you’ll need to think again.point 278 |


Moreover, the concept of the devil and that evilness might be putting a lot of people in serious doubt.point 85 | What happened to rainbows and unicorns?point 119 | 1

Now that’s a rude awakening

point 148 |
Source: Viral Nova

So much for favorite parents, this drawing explains a child’s thoughts seamlessly.point 341 |


And no, we’re not supporting it one bit.point 39 | However, you can’t beg to differ on how and why would anyone draw such a creepy drawing in the first place? Looks like mom needs plenty of counseling sessions with her kid, after such a terrifying episode.point 214 | 1


Young hearts and wild dreams

point 24 |
Source: Viral Nova

The love connection here is just a tad bit above our imagination.point 194 | But you’ve got to give kids credit with the idea of love and death.point 254 |


Truly for us, it was a clear message that Sarah needs to steer clear of this young fellow.point 73 | After all, the sketch is another form of warnings for days.point 122 | So much for that creepy love story.point 151 | 1

A fairy tale of the unknown

point 173 |
Source: Viral Nova

Looks like kids are pretty creative after all.point 328 |


The way this little guy revamps classic fairytale affairs is just above and beyond the norm.point 77 | Certainly, the actual story makers for the fiction fantasy tale would be proud.point 144 | However, you can’t ignore the pure evilness that comes across in this image.point 214 |


It’s like transforming a happy ending into a pretty sad little tragedy.point 66 | But again, kids will be kids.point 90 | 1

Another reason why you need to check kids’ homework

point 139 |
Source: Soca Warriors Online

If this creepy image of a child’s thought process doesn’t shock you, then we’re not quite sure what will.point 369 |


Moreover, we really wonder why and where the idea came about in the first place.point 66 | And what on earth is mommy doing, in a pose like that.point 109 | We can totally feel the cringe-worthy vibes, but can you?point 157 | 1

The hilarious pun- creepy drawings

point 187 |
Source: Viral Nova

It’s amazing how much of an impact fights at home or even conversations leave on a child.point 382 |


In this picture, the fact that mom finds it ok to leave dad in the middle of nowhere while driving off is insane.point 91 | But again, it’s a child’s thought process and we can’t blame their inquisitive brains.point 182 | 1

Pure evil genius- Dr. Seuss is laughing

Source: Viral Nova

Well, that’s not a very bright and positive way to wish someone a Happy Birthday. Clearly, Dr. Seuss might have some serious competitive individuals in his surrounding. Perhaps, someone who could act as the next scriptwriter for an evil and twisted sequel. What do you think?


When words take a toll on your mind

Source: Viral Nova

The fact that the child artist even knows how to process divorce has us in fits of laughter. But again, you have to give him props for putting put a stellar display of his thoughts on the matter. We hate it too, little one, but we’re in awe of your creation!



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