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Top 12 Hard Riddles Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind

If brain teasers and challenging puzzles happen to be your forte, there’s some great news for you.


These top 12 hard riddles are for those that love a little mind-boggling fun. But the most interesting part of these riddles is their answer.

Just when you thought they couldn’t be solved, the answer is sure to light up your face. Yes, the answers are so simple that even a child would know. Share these little mysteries with family, friends, and neighbors. But don’t be surprised if you get a whole variety of answers.


So if you’re ready for some mind crazy fun, let’s take a look below.

Source: 123RF.com

Hard Riddles 1:- What has 4 fingers with a thumb, but does not live?

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- Glove


Here, the biggest hint lies in the question itself. An object that is tangible yet non-living. And what could possibly take the shape of a hand, better than a glove?

Hard Riddles 2:- Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- Fire


In this riddle, the reader needs to think carefully. Water can kill one thing. And that is a fire of course.

Challenging Riddle 3:- What flies when its born, lies when it’s alive, and runs when it’s dead?


The answer is:- A snowflake


Termed to be a difficult riddle of the lot, this question will leave readers mind-boggling.

Hard Riddles 4:-I can only live where there is light, but I die if the light shines on me. What am I?

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The Answer is:- A shadow


It’s a question with numerous hints pointed at the answer. Shadows get destroyed by light sources.

 Hard Riddles 5:- What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- Letter M


You have to be a little sharp to get this next riddle. The letter ‘M’ isn’t the most frequent letters. Hence, this makes it one of the harder riddles.

Easy Riddles 6:- Every night I’m told what to do, and each morning I do what I’m told. But I still don’t escape your scold.

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- Mother and a Father

A mother’s and father’s scold will never be forgotten. No matter how old you may be, it stays with you forever.


Challenging Riddles 7:-I have keys but no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter me, but you can’t go outside. What am I?

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- A keyboard


Another one of those riddles- readers just might get it.

Challenging Riddles 8:- I am a mother and father but have never given birth. I’m rarely still, but I never wander. What am I?

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- A tree


Readers will need to think carefully if they wish to answer this riddle. It’s enough to remember the fact that trees don’t wander.

Easy Riddles 9:-What gets wet when drying?

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- A towel


We believe this riddle is going to be favorite because it’s an obvious answer.

Hard Riddles 10:- We hurt without moving we poison without touching

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- Words


The power of words is described in this riddle.

Challenging Riddles 11:- Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly

Source: new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- the word ‘incorrectly’


If you’re smart, you won’t go counting through the alphabet. Instead, you’ll need to search for the literal spelling of incorrectly.

Challenging Riddles 12:- I’m always there, some distance away. Somewhere between land or sea and sky I lay. You may move towards me, yet distant I stay.

Source:- new.smalljoys.tv

The answer is:- Horizon


While we may not see it, the horizon is always by our side. And that’s exactly what this riddle is trying to prove.


Just when you think life couldn’t get any more serious, comes an array of the top 12 incredibly hard riddles. While they may seem easy to decipher, the obvious answer leads you to wander off in the wrong direction. 


At the end of it all, you may be really surprised as to how simple these riddles were in the first place.

Share with friends, family, colleagues, or strangers, and enjoy their puzzling moments’ side by side.